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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 4 Episode 13 "Never Again" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x56wngziq24atllqm9udr/XFS413UE.mp4?rlkey=51edaqri9tb49s47h79h2fxbx&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q2jvaWwmg9FNZHgSEK6Xbts0O1zKS5Mo/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-qJqkc7Bulm


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Brent Justice

Was worried you had forgotten the cancer thing, but you picked it up. She hasn't told Mulder yet, so he has no idea, it makes sense she's acting out and questioning her life. I also thought the cinematography was well done in this episode, it was a well-directed ep. BTW, that was Jodie Foster with the voice of the tattoo. I didn't know that till I saw her name in the credits, a famous actress to play that voice part. And I have seen that actor, also, in a lot of things, he's a familiar face.


Super cool episode. The tattoo technicals were a bit off, but I’ll let that slide as the general writing and directing were so solid. My fave eps will always be the ones the centre focus on character development for Mulder or Scully, and I look forward to more. I just love their dynamic so much

Brent Justice

Another thing I'll add about X-Files that's relevant, the show is an experimental show, and as such, they can do experimental things in television. This was like the first of its kind on Prime Time TV. They did something unique, they allowed secondary cast members to revolve, as well as directors and writers. It allows the potential for some really creative episodes, but also some downers. The show is experimental in its genre, and its filmmaking and directing, they are trying new things and seeing what sticks. If this were any other show, the string of bad episodes may kill it, but with this one when it's good, it's real good, and that revolving door helps keep the show fresh and is IMO how it existed for so long, otherwise, it might not have. Also need to consider this was 'the big thing' back then, this was the show everyone was glued to their TV to watch each week. This was the "lost" or "glee" or "game of thrones" or "stranger things" of its time, it was referenced in so many social circumstances and other tv and movies.

Stef Furness

That last bit is entirely relative - I only knew of a couple people into X-Files at the time (though I saw the movie in theaters when it was released), don't think I knew anyone into Lost (no one who spoke at length about it anyway), and personally, I have not seen one episode of Stranger Things. Game of Thrones is the only one I actively watched, in real time, and only after my bf finished the first season and managed to convince me it more fantasy than medieval. With less widespread internet, and social media interference, 'the big thing' was a lot more subjective to both demographic and geographic pockets.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Not much to say that hasn't already been covered, just a great episode with a fantastic soundtrack and some really sharp directing. I sort of feel bad for Mulder here. Scully too of course, she's just found out she has cancer and feels lost in life. It's easy to see Mulder as being kind of selfish or dismissive, but he also has absolutely no idea Dana is even sick. To him this all just seems to be coming out of nowhere. I also think it's interesting that in contrasts to the guy's "never again" tattoo, Scully went and got one of a snake trying to eat it's own tail, literally going in a circle, right after their conversation about always moving forward. And every time I see Jodie Foster's name now, I just hear Korg saying "Jodie Fostaaa"


I love love love your reactions <3