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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 10 Episode 5 "Uninvited" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4nconqnd5hlmdwfsku922/SGS105UE.mp4?rlkey=lrvttsdq7aomwoiccxq1l63a7&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V0eOC_cSfSVxHRH0VhBAwfW8Tu-z8uaf/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-S3LDgvlqQa


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Oh my god! I hadn’t realized 200 was so close! I’m SO EXCITED!!!

Geonn Cannon

I've been to that cabin! It was part of a location tour I took back in 2004. You'd never guess it, but that whole property is smack dab in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. The trees hide everything really well but if you walk to the end of the driveway and look left, you'll see houses and a highway. I think there was also a hydrofield to the right.


I had forgotten how good the back and forth between Landry and Mitchell is in this episode. Low key a favorite episode for that

Lady Beyond The Wall

You definitely need to watch/react to Cabin in the Woods at some point. Just go into it blind, especially if all you know about it is "People at a cabin in the woods". Tucker & Dale vs. Evil is a good one too. This episode made me love Landry even more too. That whole Fulvous Whistling Duck scene was both hilarious and adorable. I would have totally went with him even though I don't think "birding is in my soul" - I just think he'd be fun to hang out with. I also thought it was both hilarious and adorable how much you were worried about Landry! You were soo worried he was going to die. I loved it. 💕 Interesting to find out Cam is probably a loud snorer or something, lol, if Landry thinks he "has some form of sleep apnea". I can just imagine him in the other room, while it's dead silent in the rest of the cabin, just lying there awake listening to Cameron snore. 😂 Okay - NOW I can say, I really, really, REALLY can't wait til the next week's SG-1 ep! I've been waiting foreeeeverrrrr.


I don't watch Stargate (someday, I might get around to it. I'm not knocking the show at all!) but I have seen the next episode for a very specific reason and I'm so stoked!


A fun episode. I'm not one for hyping up forthcoming episodes and building up expectations. But there's no danger of that in this case. You are simply gonna love the next one, there is no question in my mind.

Lady Beyond The Wall

That's actually hilarious! Please make sure to comment on next week's episode and let us know what the reason was and how you'd found out about it if you didn't watch Stargate! Sounds interesting, but I'll wait til next week for those spoilers. 😂 I have an inkling, but honestly there's a few reasons I could think of, loll. 🤐

Timothy Nikiforovs

"Hidey ho officer. We've had a doozy of a day. There we were just minding our own business, doing some chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property" Tucker and Dale has got to be up there with Tropic Thunder for me.

Martin Nicholls

Lul, been quietly sitting here awaiting the next SG1 episode and an SGA episode that'll arrive very soon ever since he started watching Stargate >.>

ISeeTrees ofGreen

you could definitely see ben trying not to break character after landrys bird call imitation

Lady Beyond The Wall

That's definitely one of my favorite quotes from Tucker and Dale. Such a great movie - probably one I'd take on a deserted island scenario. Had a huge crush on Dale and you can't go wrong with Alan Tudyk...just in general.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Honestly, I don't know who wouldn't. I would've absolutely had a hard time with that part. Landry was just.. so sincere, lol.

Brent Justice

OH, we are at "200" already :o I've been waiting for that.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Yeah one of those ones I think we've all been waiting on since he started the show. At least I have!

John C

This coming weekend will crack open a case of good eps moving forward. Not without lackluster eps, but some really good Reaction material for sure

Lady Beyond The Wall

Last week's SGA still coming or is that being pushed to this weekend?

Stef Furness

No words on Discord since Fri/Sat. Wish I had an answer for you, Lady.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Back when I first saw this episode, I didn't really like it all that much(probably because it takes the focus off the big Ori plot), but later on I came to appreciate the character beats in the episode. Literally half the cast is only a season into the show (I mean Vala has been around a while longer but not regularly), so having a slower "vacation" episode, especially centering around Cam and Landry, was actually a good idea. Just to let us get to know these characters in a context that wasn't saving the galaxy. Jack and Daniel and Sam and Teal'c and even Hammond to a degree all had that over the years, so the new characters needed one of those eps before the end. They again brought up the fact that Mitchell doesn't really "command" SG1 since 60% of the team are civilians and Carter is the same rank. I think this dynamic actually works really well. They're a team in the truest sense, having to rely on each other's strengths and work together despite no clear chain of command(I guess technically Mitchell being team leader puts him above Carter in authority, but she's also one of his heroes, and has way more experience on the team). The whole mutated animal plot was the weakest element of the episode, but still made for some fun action, especially at the end. At least they covered their bases in explaining why this wasn't a problem for the sodan. Landry especially stood out in this episode, as aside from his rocky relationship with his daughter we haven't seen much of him outside his role of leading the SGC. Finding out he's a big nature lover who hates hunting and spends days trying to catch a glimpse of rare birds is not what you expect of him, but it certainly adds a few new layers to the character. Also I love how he berated Mitchell for suggesting using military assets for their own convenience, only to admit he already tried to do so moments later.