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Movie reactions are back! 🤩

First up, we're checking out 1997's Sci-fi Action movie, Starship Troopers 🚀   We'll get some polls going on soon for what else to watch.

For this video, comment down below the movies and genres you want to see a reaction to! :)

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2592py1j1zvl11hd69wt2/SSTUE-MR.mp4?rlkey=6en6ukxodwjfpxkuxhdli5czx&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZZNa_Ikc13y1xHZ2YD1k27REjtCTnkl8/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-OQIxVxCSjN




Not gotten around to watching just yet. Looking forward to seeing what you think. Also Happy Birthday for tomorrow buddy. 🎂 🎁 🎈 🎉 🥳 🎊 🎉 🍾

Florian Hoyer

jaeh young neil patrick harris really looks like neil patrick harris xD

Brent Justice

You asked for opinions on movies to watch, with so many movies out there it's impossible to suggest so many, especially not knowing what you have already seen, or are interested in seeing. I guess if you want to start down the SCIFI route, you can try some classic SCIFI franchises to get you started. Yould start with a few classic/older SCIFI movies that defined the genre, like 2001 a Space Odyssey, and some other classics. Then move in to some popular franchises you could be interested in, Star Wars movies, Star Trek (though this one is a little hard context wise unless you watch the original TV series first, but could still work technically) and then to other SCIFI franchises that are popular like the Alien series, and Terminator, and the Back to the Future Trilogy, and ET, and movies from this era. Then you can move forward with more modern SCIFI like The Matrix, and other series of this kind. Outside of SCIFI, there are lots of horror/scary movies worth getting into, if you like that, and then just general action and or comedy. If you like scary movies there are so many good ones out there. There's so much out there, it's really hard to tell you what to watch, but if I were looking to get started in a genre, I'd typically start at the beginning and go old school and work my way up. I really think, as far as TV series go, you need to watch Firefly next though. And thanks for this reaction, I watched it last night, you were right, that is Niel Patrick Harris, the cast of this movie was really good, and they certainly held the thing together. I love how the movie portrays this as like a Propaganda kind of thing, and all the little commercials that came on during the movie remind me of that SG1 episode where they do that space race. The movie really sets up the universe and lore pretty well, so I like it for that. Some of the sequels may not be as good, but I guess if you want the full story, you can watch em.

Ben Levitin

The only thing is this movie just about has nothing to do with the book. I got to see this movie years ago and then I got the book and I was really thinking I had the wrong book! lol

Timothy Nikiforovs

Man, Dizzy and Ace are the kind of friends everyone needs in their life. Also Michael Ironside's character(Rasczak) is awesome. "Better make it 20 minutes". Get you a lieutenant who doesn't cock block you. Also Clancy Brown, didn't even remember he was in here. I haven't watched this in years, but I gotta say Rico simping that hard for Carmen, after all that shameless flirting with Zander and sending him that "dear Juan" video......like what is wrong with this guy, especially when he's got Dizzy patiently waiting for him to get his head screwed on straight. And yeah, can't even return an "I love you" when she's dying. He really paid that disrespect forward with interest. It's certainly an interesting world the movie builds, with the extreme propaganda, and the citizen soldier mentality. I can actually see some merit in a society where a year or 2 of military service being a prerequisite to full citizenship could have benefits. If nothing else to instill discipline and reinforce physical fitness, as well as teaching problem solving and teamwork skills and building character. These guys take it to the extreme though. As you pointed out, there's also a definite question of effectiveness in how the mobile infantry fight. Against bugs like that you'd be better off with high explosive rounds, like 15mm or 20mm rounds that trade velocity for size(to keep recoil manageable), but go just fast enough to puncture the bugs exoskeleton and explode inside. Also zero air support. We see bombers killing bugs, but nothing when they're actually fighting. Having something akin to an apache gunship, with autocannons and rocket pods would turn the tide of a lot of battles. Also those dropships are pretty big and carry a LOT of guys. You telling me they can't make some kind of carryall that can drop tanks or at least IFVs into battle. I mean it's not like those bugs are clawing their way through depleted uranium armor, and if rifle rounds can punch through tanker bug carapace then 120mm sabot or HEAT rounds would git the thing, and that's modern tech. I'm sure they have more advanced stuff. Also a channel on YT called Spacedock did a whole video about how nonsensical those escape pods were. I've heard theories(or maybe that was from the book) that the whole ground pounder approach was actually a form of population control, which wouldn't surprise me. Very fun movie though, if a bit campy. It's definitely become a cult classic over the years. For other scifi movies, I'm going to recommend a 2007 movie called Sunshine. Also The 5th Element is another cult classic. That movie almost has some Farscape vibes to it. As for war movies, Saving Private Ryan was making the rounds on reaction channels last year, so if you haven't seen that it's as solid a choice as you can make. There's also Fury which is fantastic. Hacksaw Ridge is insanely bloody, but a great story. Also in the comedy genre, Tropic Thunder is just a damn good time.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also something just hit me. How the fuck Rico's parents expecting him to get into Harvard with a 35% in math???🤦‍♂️

James Yancy

Actually, the Mobile Infantry in the Book were ELITE soldiers that wore (short) flight-capable armor similar to Iron Man. The Mobile Infantry in the movie were basic grunts. HUGE difference.

James Yancy

Something to keep in mind about the World of Starship Troopers. Rico's family were stupid RICH and they were CIVILIANS. Meaning they couldn't even vote. However, being a Civilian wouldn't hold anyone back from being very successful in life. You just couldn't participate in Government.

James Yancy

I would suggest Ender's Game, if interested. It's a decent movie with Harrison Ford in it, but the book is AMAZING. Audible has a great full cast Audio Play of Ender's Game, as well as the book which features many of the same voice actors as the Play. Ender's Game is just the primary book out of a whole series of books that make up the Enderverse. Coincidentally, the enemy in Ender's Game is also a "bug" alien species, called the Formecs, a word for "ant" because of their resemblance.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I've seen clips from the animated ST movie that showed that. But as far as the movie goes, not too much in the way of proper tactics.


for movie suggestions maybe the Superman movie called Superman vs the Elite? and for show suggestions, if you've already watched Jurassic Park or Jurassic world then might I suggest Camp Cretaceous?

Lady Beyond The Wall

Oh man, I LOVE Sunshine! Great movie. Plus.. Cillian Murphy 😍. I saw him in that movie first and then went through basically his entire filmography because I'm weird like that. But I mean, without him, it'd still be a great movie - he's just nice eye candy for me. Chris Evans aint bad either. And obviously I love the 5th Element. I'd like to see him react to that. It's one of my favorites. Seen it so many times and it's one of those ones I quote randomly.. like multipass.. or "chicken" (or.."chick-aaahn").

Lady Beyond The Wall

And yeah, Rico so didn't deserve Diz. She was my favorite. I get you can't like.. force yourself to have feelings for someone, but man, at least give it a thought and stop crying about another woman who obviously doesn't care about you like that. It's frustraaaaating.


Cgi kinda still holds up. Also I like the whole making fun of fascism thing

Lady Beyond The Wall

I felt really bad for the "brain bug" at the end. It was scared, which everyone was like "yay!" about, but I always felt sad, lol. Then they just end up torturing the thing for god knows how long. It was probably just trying to figure out why these aliens were invading their planets. I never read the book, so I don't know if any of this is explained, but they mentioned in the movie how some Mormons or something set up on one of the bug planets, which to anyone, or anything, would be like an invasion, especially if you can't communicate. And they're big scary looking bugs, so as humans, we'd automatically assume they were evil.. when maybe they were just protecting their home? I'm also suspicious about that asteroid that hit Buenos Aires. The bugs shoot a sort of plasma out, but they didn't show them shooting any asteroids towards Earth. I'm not sure how they'd actually do that.. I feel like the plasma they shoot out would just destroy any asteroid they tried to "shoot" at Earth. Maybe it was just an accidental asteroid or maybe something more sinister, like it being "planned" by people on Earth. Someone else mentioned, maybe it was a kind of population control, since they mention in the movie that you need a license to have kids and some of those soldiers were there to get citizenship so they could have kids, I assume more easily. They probably also don't mind sending half a million soldiers out on an obviously poorly planned mission to die. I also found it weird/funny that they would show the very graphic dead soldiers in their little propaganda things, but when they showed a bug eating a cow, or when they were torturing the brain bug, they censored it. As for Rico, you're right, he just does whatever the hell he's told. Like he doesn't have a mind of his own.. even towards the end. He wanted nothing to do with Diz the entire time (she's my FAVORITE 😭) until his old teacher told him to never turn down that kind of opportunity, then all of a sudden he's like "yeah ok"? If I were Diz, I'd feel so..heartbroken, that someone basically had to order someone I loved to sleep with me. I'm glad she didn't hear that part of the conversation, at least I hope she didn't. Blah. I think anyone who has been in Diz's position (basically friendzoned) can understand how hard it is to not understand why someone you really love and get along great with just doesn't want you like that. It's confusing, and sad, but you can't force someone to have feelings for you. Unless it's Rico I guess, and he can just be ordered to act like he does until you die. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And Zander was an annoying ass, but he went out like a boss. He could have used that knife himself, but he gave it to Carmen. So, good on him.

Timothy Nikiforovs

The other thing about that asteroid is it clearly didn't hit at anywhere near the speed of light, or, well, it would have taken out the whole planet. Also in the call to his parents they had several seconds of warning before it hit, so clearly it was going at a fairly typical speed for a meteorite. Just from the Alpha Centauri system that would take many thousands of years, let alone the other side of the galaxy like the diagram showed. They even mentioned being "millions of light years" apart, though I guess that can be written off as hyperbole. Also the bugs had a hard enough time hitting ships in orbit, so playing asteroid pool across the galaxy would be infinitely more difficult to pull off, especially without knowing the exact mass. I always assumed it was a scientific plot hole, but you might be right. Only problem is in that advanced future setting plenty of people could figure that out. But then, with the pervasive propaganda, maybe most just blindly believe what they're told.


Fun fact: the actors only agreed to do the coed shower scene if the director got naked with them.


I'd love to watch you react to mindbending movies, particularly time travel stuff. Have you seen Primer?

James Yancy

Actually the book makes it clear that the Federation tried everything they could to avoid conflict, including restricting colonization of known Bug inhabited worlds. From a political philosophical perspective the Bugs were meant to represent Communism, the Bugs being the perfect example of it. The Bugs were of no mind to negotiate, going straight to genocide of the Human race. The movie is only an abbreviated look at how things happened.