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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 4 Episode 11 "El Mundo Gira" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/scpo4b9d85nofza28adhz/XFS411UE.mp4?rlkey=gbtpz8xnokscxzqw3h34bku72&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19yqhPVMqYp-9XygU5cbJzvRtDq3U7rqx/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-O6wCUsD4gd


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Brent Justice

Your eyes when the Aliens appeared out of no where lol. I think the tone of this episode is supposed to represent a Mexican Soap Opera, or A Telenovela as they are called. So that's the idea behind the format, but with a twist of Aliens and folk tales. From what I gather, it really was something from space, something alien from above, and it infected him, and in the end transformed him into something else. So while it had an alien origin, they still kept it very grounded and tied it back to the other meaning of aliens in this context of illegal aliens. They way they connected it all was creative. Overall, not the greatest episode, but you can kind of see they are trying to do something unique with the format and theme.


Is it that mexican goat sucker?

Timothy Nikiforovs

"I used to be just like you, always trying to have a good time. I started popping magic mushrooms, tripping balls booooyyyyyy!! And THEN.............one DAY...........I turned into El Chupacabra. Con...se...quen...ces!!"