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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 FINALE and Season 10 PREMIERE REACTION!

EPISODE 20: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w6yymv8rualg8utdzzzgs/SGS920UE.mp4?rlkey=og57p8d7lxzdiafic192ezcem&dl=0

EPISODE 20: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oyx21wEtqdTfPqe_dtFhxAJm3RZgFHXF/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gigovyqosf453jf8mt3id/SGS101UE.mp4?rlkey=tbvuecsoum2clsccdkbaokzs2&dl=0

EPISODE 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgAhv2jPsWhswhTDBYXkPIb-itPwjHeX/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-xLCv1YJitw


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Thomas Menard

Props to you for noticing the first real use of multi dimensional axis in space combat. The only other show i know that uses it regularly is Battlestar Galactica which hopefully failymcwhaley can get to soon. But not before stargate continuum and the ark of truth!

Thomas Menard

I guess Orville uses it quite a bit too but more for cool cinematography not for tactics


I can't believe we're at s10 already. It feels like just yesterday they revealed the Prometheus in s5. 🤧 It's been a hell of a ride!


Legend, indeed. One of the greats!

Daniel Thunberg

Do not forget the movies which finishes the SG1 series: Movie 1 - Stargate: The Ark of Truth Movie 2 - Stargate: Continuum

Stef Furness

Why would he? From what I've seen, the man always finishes what he starts.

Timothy Nikiforovs

The mods over on the discord have a whole watch order planned out. Nothing is getting missed

Timothy Nikiforovs

Camelot absolutely blew me away back in the day, and it's been one of my most anticipated moments of the show to see your reaction to since the beginning and it definitely lived up to the hype. Starting with the X301, which despite being a failure was showing Earth's ambition, and then with the homebuilt 302s and 303, and finally the Daedalus class being mass produced, along with all the asgard improvements incorporated along the way, we just got to a point of being arrogant about how far we'd come. The team used to salivate at the prospect of getting their hands on a ha'tak, and now those things are absolutely nothing(even with the improvements Anubis implemented presumably applied through the fleet). Nothing hit quite as hard as seeing the mighty O'Neill class, the technological pride of the last truly active member of the alliance of the 4 great races, doing absolutely nothing against the ori battleships. This completely reset the power scales of the show and made Earth the underdogs again(as Rob Cooper intended when writing the Ori), and really washed away the complacency of S6 and 7. Then again, the Ori branched off from the Ancients(or possibly the other way around), and are far more aggressive and authoritarian, so it should have been expected. Als there's the sheer size of the ships. The first supergate was much smaller, about 400m across. Remember that the segments came through the gate, even though in orbit they seemed much bigger, around the size of the cargo ship, so either several linked together in flight of they transformed into a larger configuration. When Carter beams onto one of the segments, it's the size of an apartment block. Either they built one of the smaller supergates first and sent through the segments for the full size gate, of it was all built by ori followers in this galaxy, either way, it's about a mile across. Officially the ori motherships are 850m across and 1100m long, but that would make them only about 50% longer than a ha'tak or the 304s, and they're clearly much bigger, not to mention 850m across would leave tons of room if the gate is 1600m across, and the ratio makes no sense either since the ori ships are over twice as long as they are wide. Fan estimates place them at about 3.2km long, twice the size of a star destroyer. That's a good bit smaller than a wraith hive, but I'd still bet on the ori ship in that match up. When you see the first ha'tak get obliterated by a single blast from their main cannon, you know the power scales have been completely reset, and later seeing the ori point defense weapons also taking out ha'taks just drives home that the old rules just don't apply. Also the way the battle ends leaves you at a loss for words for how they'll come back from that loss in S10. You can't tell which 304 got blown up, but you assume it's the Odyssey since Cam and Jackson were on Korolev. Of course it's not like we'd believe it anyway if Daniel died, but still. Then you have Carter floating out in space with limited oxygen, and Teal'c on one of the ha'taks that were dropping like flies, and no reason to believe any of the ships would be left alive. Hell of a cliffhanger. Also respect for the Russians who died in that battle, especially (presumably) Chekov. We didn't hear him mentioned, so presumably he died in the battle. Definitely one of the SGC's longer running allies. Sucks they lost their 304 on it's first mission, but the destruction of the Korolev and the loss of most of it's crew really drove home the weight of that loss, as opposed to a bunch of nameless jaffa. Also I assume the asgard ship was also destroyed since it didn't come back to get Kvasir(which you'd assume it would if it escaped) and wasn't seen or mentioned in the aftermath. I am gonna say though, in my personal estimation, while there was no way to win that battle, I do think they could have destroyed 1, and just maybe 2 of the ori ships, if they had concentrated fire, but just splitting pot shots between 4 ships, they were never gonna make a difference. There was however a way to prevent the battle altogether, that would have been made much easier with the asgard present. If they had projected a forcefield over the event horizon(hence the asgard to reconfigure their shield generators) a la the Atlantis gate shield, they could have prevented the ori ships from reintegrating. Even if they could only have projected it over the centre of the event horizon, it would have cut those ships in half. It would also have killed Vala(and Adria), but it would have saved thousands of lives directly and millions indirectly by halting their invasion. I also have to say, since we just finished Merlin, the scenes in Camelot hit a little different this time around, talking about Mordred and Camlann. Also just stumbling across this random village and getting a "welcome to Camelot" speech brought back that feel of S3-5 SG1. At least we're starting to close in on this weapon Merlin was working on, but even if we can find and use it, we have no answer whatsoever to their ships. At least their fighters don't seen so overpowered. We did see some get destroyed by gliders and al'kesh. Regarding Flesh and Blood, I feel bad for Vala being stuck in such a horrible position of her child being this ori religious figurehead. It's natural that she would try to sway her away from that path, but given she's basically a de-ascended ori, that's just not going to happen. Great to see her join the cast though. It really is Farscape SG1 at this point. Also the younger child version of Adria was actually played by Robert C Cooper's daughter Emma. As cold as Daniel being willing to kill what appears to be a child is, he's clear headed and correct in his assessment. Also it's not like this type of thinking is new to him(remember him shooting up the tank of larval goa'uld way back near the start of the show), it's just more common now. The man is exhausted of seeing the bad guys win, and he's much more results focused now. I appreciate his attempts to fire passages from the book of origin back at them and try a diplomatic approach, but he clearly knew it was probably useless. It's smart for the ori to target Chulak. Dakara would be the obvious target, and while I'm sure it's high on the list, as Bra'tac said Chulak has great symbolic importance since that's where the rebellion against the Goa'uld began. And I have to shout out the Odyssey and it's crew. They really held it together throughout this 2 parter, and especially jumping into battle while barely operational and pulling SG1 out of the fire at Chulak. Also Emerson with his Captain Kirk energy, sitting on the edge of his captain's chair like that. Lastly I think Mitchell really stood out in this 2 parter. First in encouraging Valencia and fighting the black knight, then in his quick thinking to use the 302s to draw fire away from the 304s and also in flying the Odyssey over to pick up Sam, and finally for planning ahead in planting that beacon on Bra'tac. Usually Bra'tac is the one dropping the wisdom, but both of Cam's speeches about not dying if it won't accomplish anything and about them needing a new plan against the ori stood out as well. Whatever doubts Cam had about measuring up to SG1, he's more than earned his place. Phenomenal couple of episodes, and I can't wait for more of S10.


we're in the endgame now.


Thanos was actually mentioned as a Goa'uld back in season 7 or so

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yes he was, and Anubis even had that little story arc of him collecting 6 crystals/gems that when combined made for the ultimate weapon. Anubis after Daniel fails to stop him from destroying Abydos "You should have gone for the cooling shaft"

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 03:12:40 Did I miss an update? I didn't think it would be a 2 week wait for the next episode & no one else seems to be asking.
2022-08-06 11:12:43 Did I miss an update? I didn't think it would be a 2 week wait for the next episode & no one else seems to be asking.

Did I miss an update? I didn't think it would be a 2 week wait for the next episode & no one else seems to be asking.


Hey Nh! We’re following a schedule for SG1/SGA week to week. Most times it’s 1 SG1/ 1 SGA. Then it’s 2 SG1 in a week or 2 SGA in a week. In this case, it was the SG1 set that week, then the following week was 3 SGA. So, this week its 2 SG1 which will be up this weekend 👍🏽

Lady Beyond The Wall

I AM SO EXCIIIIITED FOR THIS WEEKS SG-1!! I seriously can't wait! 🤗 I keep checking to see if it'll pop up today or if it'll be tomorrow. Refresh refresh refresh! 😂

Lady Beyond The Wall

Oh my god that's hilarious. 😂 I remember hearing Thanos mentioned as a Goa'uld and being like "Oh that's cool/funny" but the other stuff is so damn funny.


Man, my feed and notifications are being dumb with your vids for some reason. I swear I checked here like a week or two ago and it only showed second to last episode of season 9 being there. 🤔