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What it dooski! Here's my EARLY UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 19 "Crusade" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y0q4mi8hed8aehz1itmhn/SGS919UE.mp4?rlkey=noysp8h2b5tn6e8nfs3zsl1za&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BgTok7r_2Vfg8XN4jcvGa_52MAOUexqH/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-FLA1TtSZaY


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Lady Beyond The Wall

Jeez, did everyone's Patreon change at the same time? Whole website is different. Do not like. I think. Is there a place where they mention they're going to do these things?

Gage Eakins

By the way, I don't know if you have said. But I assume you are going to react to Ark of Truth and Continuum once you have finished with SG-1 right? Because Ark of Truth really is required to get the full story of SG-1. Continuum is less so but still fun romp.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Yeah.. it's.. weird. I can see it being better for like, a mobile browser I suppose, but it's really odd on a desktop, like I'm using a giant phone rather than an actual website. If that makes any sense. Just.. ugh.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also forgot to mention in my review, but I love how after Teal'c said "Darth Vader" and Vala asked how that turned out, he was actually ready to get into a discussion on The Phantom Menace before Mitchell cut him off.

Brent Justice

It's so funny how he yells out Darth Vader, the obvious one the audience is waiting for is someone to reference Jesus, but they subvert our expectations all around in that scene.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Even Faily subverted my expectation by saying "I thought they were going to say" and then taking a drink and didn't say anything! 😂

Timothy Nikiforovs

subversive reaction to subversive dialogue. And Cameron added another layer by going with Arthur

Lady Beyond The Wall

So excited for this weeks episodes 🙃 I didn't see an "excited" emoji, so I'm just going to use that one.


been checking the page almost hourly


You know a show that you could put on your next poll that I think people would definitely vote for and also that you would love, The Ricky Gervais Show. The name is a bit misleading it should really be The Karl Pilkington Show. It's really great, anything with Karl Pilkington is basically.

Paul Carroll

lol I just watched the last episode of sg1 and atlantis ! and was refreshing the page for any new posts because it said it has been 6 days now since the last post . ? maybe failwhale went on a week vacation and he forgot too post a notice on here . any way hope failwhale had a great week off from youtube and patreon !

Brent Justice

Do you think we will only get SG1 this weekend, or are we also expecting Buffy/Angel/X-Files, and whatever else?

Stef Furness

Fair warning: I've no timeframe for what that means as I mostly only follow the Stargate updates right now.

Timothy Nikiforovs

he posted a weekly schedule on discord. Aside from the 2 farscape and the x files he uploaded, he's got another XF, a DW special, 2 buffy, 2 angle, 2 office, an SGA triple, and Starship Troopers slated for this week. Will he actually get all that done? Who knows. Maybe he recorded a bunch last week and just needs to do a ton of editing.


Sweet Jesus, Fisher! What did you do?!

David Gipe

Starship Troopers, the movie, I find pretty good. I enjoy The Roughneck Chronicles that sounds out of it. Is PG show that goes deep into some topics.