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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 19 "Inferno" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wt1pv7bcxjevqqbptld12/SAS219UE.mp4?rlkey=4agccwduf5527dwjmuu1kgiie&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gc9lUd4ar9a9iNkuZ1esjBZT8flkVsob/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-NA9mgL9w0e


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Fanny H.

The chancelor is dr. Warren from the first season of sg1.


*update*: going camping with the family visiting this weekend. Expect uploads back up Sunday :) have a great weekend everyone


Don't get eaten by bears

Brent Justice

Have fun, but I thought you said Angel 4x3 was going to be up right after Buffy that you posted several days ago. Oh well, I look forward to new videos when you return, in the meantime I'll watch this one. Thank you for giving us the heads up.

Brent Justice

Looking forward to this ep, the introduction of an Ancient battleship.

Ben Levitin

This was a fun one as well as they did some kind of prize thing for a fan who would get to be on the show. If I remember the fan was one of the last people to get out by the gate.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Have fun! I haven't been camping in waaaay too long. My family got a camper, decked it out and everything and then the stupid pandemic hit and all the campgrounds were closed. They're open now finally, just waiting on everyone to get more than two days off work. 🙂 It's also nice to have just in case shit hits the fan and we need to drive off west into the mountains for some reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not that I worry about that a lot or anything. 😬 Looking forward to the next SG-1 ep!

Timothy Nikiforovs

He'll be fine, black bears usually just go for the trash, and grizzly bear diets consist primarily of Leo DiCaprio

Timothy Nikiforovs

Check out this video I found a few months ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTd1XctdUds&t=1s&ab_channel=XanderBudnick While I'd definitely bring my food and a good tent, spending a few days completely removed from technology and the stresses of daily life and just disappearing into the middle of nowhere almost feels like a form of meditation. If gas prices weren't so stupid I'd drive up through Quebec and camp out on the shore of James Bay.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I'm definitely saving that link Timothy! Love that kind of stuff and haven't seen that channel before. Used to love watching Les Stroud when I used to watch tv (on cable, I just stream everything now). It really is like a form of meditation. It's amazing how much you do something like reach for a phone when you feel the need to be doing something, or when you have a random question you wish you could google. I've noticed for a lot of people, they'll reach for their phone instinctively even when they know it isn't there. I've started getting some books dealing with things like how to identify edible plants and mushrooms, some survival guides, etc. I promise I'm not a weird "prepper" 😂 but we've been so lucky, as a civilization, to have not had to deal with our electricity going out en masse. We've only barely missed some solar flares that would have absolutely messed things up for a long time. So, you never know!

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah, I actually respect preppers. Sure some can get a little weird with the conspiracies, but I think inherently the idea that you should be, well, prepared if all the luxuries of modern life went away is a wise one. Better to be prepared and not need it than be running through the riot in the grocery store trying to grab that last can of chick peas and some toilet paper when the zombie apocalypse hits.........or like, you know covid.


Aww, I was hoping for a saturday morning SG-1, but I'll look forward to it after the weekend. Have fun!

Brent Justice

Thanks for the reaction, watched the video. This is a really cool ep for me cause we get to see another Ancient outpost, and they stated in this one it must have been made while at war, or toward the end of the war. Not sure what its purpose was, maybe as a base to launch ships, since it has a shield over the base. And of course, it did have an Ancient battleship inside, damaged heavily, but still. If Rodney can get it working again it could be very useful. But remember, the Ancients lost not cause of their technology, but because they were simply outnumbered, which parallels exactly to what is happening with our Atlantis team right now, completely just outnumbered. They can't deal with the mass of them. It's a pretty similar situation.


Love this episode but I do have a pothole if a pot hole why didn't they Beam the people to the other side of their planets as far away as possible it would have taken days for it to reach them and they could have made it all in time am I wrong for thinking that

Timothy Nikiforovs

I thought the same, and honestly they should have gotten at least 4 jumpers through right away once they knew what was wrong, just in case. It was plenty foreseeable that even if the gate didn't sink into lava, that it could have been cut off by eruptions. If they didn't need them, fine, but they sure could have used them.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Inferno really is just a good old fashioned life or death adventure episode much like in the early/mid seasons of SG1. Also for once McKay(well I guess there was The Brotherhood) is actually being noticed by a woman, and she's exactly his type too; Blonde, scientist(sound familiar), but unlike Carter she doesn't intimidate him by being smarter.............so of course Sheppard has to come in and try to steal her out from under him. Worst wingman ever is all I'm saying. I actually think the Taranians are one of the more decent civilizations they've come across since the Athosians. They're relatively advanced, mostly friendly, and don't seem to be harboring some dark secret or intention like the Genii or the ones in The Tower. Good allies to have. I actually quite understand where their suspicion was coming from. From their perspective, it all must have seemed VERY convenient that everything hit the fan as the Atlantis crew arrived. Still, when he had a clearer picture of what happened Lycus(the actor played Dr Warner in early SG1) did apologize for doubting them. Shame that one group got bodied, but they made their choice. I appreciate that they didn't just make that a copout and have the Daedalus rescue them as well. It added some weight to the episode. As Ryan pointed out, it would have been best for the Daedalus to evacuate them to the far side of the planet before starting it's first evacuation run to Atlantis. IIRC they said it would take weeks for the ash cloud to envelop the planet, and at least they wouldn't be anywhere near the volcano when it blew. That should have bought them plenty of time. If I were Sheppard I would also have requested a PJ or 2 be sent through as soon as they knew there was an impending eruption. Even if the gate didn't sink into the lava, it could have been cut off in any number of ways, and at the time they weren't banking on the Daedalus showing up. With PJ they could ferry people away from the volcano(would have helped a LOT when Teyla and Ronon and their group got cut off) and offer an escape route if McKay and a few others stayed behind to fix the ship. Moreover I can think of 2 ways Caldwell could have cut down the number of trips. First, offload any non essential crew so there's more life support capacity to spare. Second, beam up every other PJ in Atlantis to their 302 bays. We've seen PJs carrying teams of 6 on scouting missions like in 38 Minutes, and the trips out to the satellite weapon were 30 hours round trip, plus we've seen them carrying something like 20 passengers at times, though not for as long. Bottom line each PJ probably adds life support capacity for about 6-8 more people each trip. Combine those 2 things and they should have at LEAST been able to cut 1 trip. Also was there no closer planet with a stargate? So we've got ourselves an Ancient warship. Hopefully it'll serve for many years to come. Even beat up, there's a lot about their tech they could learn from it, and if they repair it they would have a mobile military asset in Pegasus while Daedalus is between galaxies. Shouldn't get too excited though, after all the ancients likely had a good number of them, and they still lost to the wraith. Same argument applies to Atlantis having some drones and 1 zpm. 3 ZPMs and a full complement of drones didn't win the war. Lastly I love that scene when Sheppard gets on the PA as they're about to launch and Beckett is just scrambling to find a chair. Poor guy must have sucked at musical chairs. Also confusing Teyla with his Earthisms.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I'm a very unapologetic, well, "conspiracy theorist" anyway. I'm sure some people think I'm weird, but hey, my family doesn't, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and politically, very libertarian - not to get into politics really, don't want to argue with anyone, but yeah I've made sure me, my mom, step-father and a cousin that lives with us are/will be well prepared if anything does happen in which we'd have to sustain ourselves. Been working on a garden too, to make sure any food shortages won't hurt us much. You never know. I mean - even living on the east coast, I'm in a state that doesn't get hurricanes or tornadoes very much thankfully, but they have happened a few times in my lifetime and we've been without power for weeks before. So if that kind of thing ever happens again, we won't be all like "wtf do we do?"


One does appreciate these palate-cleanser episodes between the monumental fuck-ups. I'm still stressed out about last week's. 😑