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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 4 Episode 11 "Unrealized Reality" and Episode 12 "Kansas" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zp8yjrsypwvq13hy176l5/FSS411-12UE.mp4?rlkey=ase85272eyzb18h9hoen7zbvt&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16yWg-goo1JraMsv3QK0oGxJHgA4VjCzt/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-aPmmAsN8wI


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Vladyslav Serdiuk

I'm dying . Doctor said ,if I don't get a dose of Atlantis in the next 24 hours, my heart is gonna collapse

Timothy Nikiforovs

I've never seen these episodes before, only clips of them, like D'Argo trying to drive. "Prepare for engagement"🤣. Unrealized Reality was very confusing. It's not that it's hard to get what they're saying; don't travel back in time, if you do fix the first things to go wrong, these interdimensional aliens don't want people like the scarrans using wormholes, etc... It's just the way all the scenes fit together is so jumbled and random it makes my brain hurt. Then again I guess they're trying to sell how John feels trying to wrap his head around the wormhole knowledge while trapped in this void. Still it made a pretty good setup for Kansas, which aside from showing us some of John's past, was itself a setup for the next ep where apparently John has finally made it home. Assuming it's legit this time, hopefully they get a warmer welcome, as in nobody tries to dissect Rygel. The humor was also on point this episode, especially Rygel on a massive sugar high. Part of me wonders if sugar isn't actually a narcotic for Hynerians. Then there's the whole crew flipping birds at everyone. What caught me off guard though, was that Braca has been playing double agent all along. Did not see that one coming. It actually pissed me off about him when he turned n Scorpius, so this is a bit of redemption for the character. Still I'm sure he had to do things they didn't plan on to maintain cover. Glad to see S4 picking up finally. Should be a good stretch going into the finale and the miniseries.

Brent Justice

I guess you didn't catch the fact that John went through the wormhole at the end to time travel back to 2003, Pilot said it's 2003 where he was, and John followed the signal to bring them through the wormhole back to the time period he's supposed to be, so he truly is home, right planet, right time. I think that kind of got by ya. And this takes place in 2003 btw, not the 90's exactly. But yea, he was in the 80s, but now he's back in 2003 where he is supposed to be, by the end of the episode. When he gets off the ship back on Moya, it's 2003. Hence the comment he made: "Same Earth, Different Time" That's the whole reason why he said that when Rygel said it's Another Earth. Both these episodes were great, the first one was very deep, and I too liked this take on the multi-verse theory. Wormholes connect space, time, and even unrealized realities. The second episode was very clever, John going home, but in the wrong year! It was great to see that era in his youth, and it is always fun to see our team out of their environment, on Earth, but in the past. I can't wait for you to see the next one.