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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 18 "Michael" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ptikxw4jnsqni4so10q1m/SAS218UE.mp4?rlkey=p6czquuavu78obj86dj9p0j1x&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WfrMG2MHyL3XmdfKkfdCtuPdWJanJe97/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-4tdhf5Pmpb


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Retro Tom

Ronan attack Michael not just for being a wraith, but also because Ronan saw him over Teyla with what would be his feeding hand on her chest so he reacted incase he was feeding. It's something that gets overlooked on 1st watch since you don't know what he is right off the bat

Stef Furness

That was legit Momoa's hair style until later - and once you clock the change, it's hard to unsee.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Man I was about to go to sleep. 😂 I love this episode for a few reasons. For one, it's just... sad, to me. But also - it kinda made me see the team in a sort of different light. Yeah, it might sound good on paper I guess to try and turn a wraith into a human but I mean, Michael made some good points. It's only "better" to be a human because we're humans and following the humans. What we do to animals is terrible, but.. we gotta eat. So do wraith. Plus, what just humans are capable of doing to other humans is nothing to write home about either, so it's hard to view it as us having a sort of moral high ground sometimes. Plus - yeah, it's part of the "experiment", but they gaslight the guy when he knows absolutely something is wrong and they're not very good at hiding the fact they're lying to his face. It'd be real hard to trust any of the people we know after that after finding out the truth. Aaand then there's Ronon, who just annoyed me to death at some points in this episode, lol. Yes Michael was remembering things he shouldn't have, but Ronon totally didn't help Michael's suspicions with Ronon going off on him like that. He needed to be kept away from Michael entirely if he or the team knew he wouldn't be able to handle it.


I've barely started the reaction but I genuinely laughed at your "quarters" joke.

Timothy Nikiforovs

From what I recall, at one point he started getting neck problems from the weight of the dreads whipping around especially with all the action/stunts he does, like yeeting himself through the gate🤣


What can you even say about this idea of theirs? 😅 Bold plan!


Yep. They used a wig in later seasons because he didn't want to keep the hair full-time.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Interestingly this episode was originally going to be called Charlie. I imagine they changed it for 2 reasons. First, Jack's son and later the kid in Show and Tell already used the name, and also Connor Trinneer's character in Star Trek Enterprise was named Charles "Trip" Tucker III. Also LOL at the little self burn about Michael being the most generic name. This is definitely a very interesting episode, and as Lady pointed out in her comment, there are some serious moral dilemmas here. On the one hand you might say the wraith have no right to feed on us, but in a sense they do since it's the only way they can survive. We on the other had raise and eat our own cattle, even though we can survive on vegetarian diets, though (at least mostly) we tend to avoid the more intelligent animals like whales and great apes, and I would hope would certainly never eat something intelligent enough to speak to us of form an organized society. Still if we argue that biological necessity gives wraith the natural right to hunt us, they by the same token, our survival instinct gives us a natural right to do anything and everything necessary to survive, including this experiment, though some might argue it's more humane to just kill them. Also while changing a wraith to a human will allow it to survive on regular food and never have to kill even an animal to survive again, it's not all better, as they lose their ability to heal from serious wounds, won't be biologically immortal any more, and will lose their enhanced strength. The only real plus is not having to murder to survive. It's actually funny you mentioned using this virus to turn some wraith human so others could feed on them, because that's basically the ending of the movie Daybreakers. Also I think a lot of us considered that sort of "divide & conquer" strategy when we first saw this episode. Still, unless it can be developed into something that can be deployed en masse, it's just not realistic to think about capturing thousands of wraith and giving them all injections over the course of days. I suppose you could leak the formula to the wraith though. They do have competing factions and might be willing to put in the work for a meal. Then again it's not strictly speaking necessary. IIRC in The Defiant One, that one wraith survived by life sucking his crew. I do like the team's different perspectives on this. Ronon has an understandable hatred of the wraith, and turning one human doesn't change all the people they killed. Then again if the amnesia had stuck, arguably Michael would be a completely different person than the wraith he was, not just biologically, but in his identity as well. Sheppard seemed pretty neutral and was mostly focused on just making sure this thing didn't go badly. Beckett seemed torn between all the human and potentially even wraith lives that could be saved if all wraith were turned human, and the clear moral dilemma he faces as a doctor to force this on someone, even a wraith. Rodney was mostly just being a pragmatist in regards to the risks involved. Weir was clearly thinking almost exclusively of the strategic benefit this treatment could have to their war(and I can't blame her). And finally there's Teyla. Teyla was just detached enough in her role in all this that she could recognize that at the centre of all these questions was a real person who had no say in any of it. Given her own hatred of the wraith, it's quite admirable she's willing to have so much empathy for Michael. At any rate, it seems likely this isn't the last we've heard of him, especially with them clearly showing him alive and being retrieved by the wraith at the end. Sure they have the Daedalus and I suppose MAYBE they could spare the Odyssey for a month to help Atlantis too(imagine 2 of those things fighting together😍), but it's not looking good. Great episode.

Brent Justice

When is the next Buffy coming?

Avlin Ærbødig

he took a surprising amount of time before he got it