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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 18 "Arthur's Mantle" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5oq69li4w2kiscocu69cn/SGS918UE.mp4?rlkey=bzmzrge77ichyvs8oyufyyvv3&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kCuPAJ2wG2mWCkLxEBVsM6RuIWsu91GK/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-nHufDWgEu6


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Bill was the highlight of this one. What a guy! 😂 "I've calculated the distance they could travel on tiny legs"


This show has pretty much peaked and is just going though the motions by this point… 😉 Enjoy the ride to the end. So glad you made it this far!


I don't think that's true at all. S10 has some amazing episodes coming up

Timothy Nikiforovs

So this is a decent episode in my book, but nothing outstanding. It was fairly self conscious in pointing out that it's recycling the "out of phase" trope, but it still had fun with it. I love the bit first with Carter and Mitchell and later her and Daniel having their little "are you solid" shoving matches. It's kind of childish and ridiculous, but also funny. And Dr. Lee man, the guy is hilarious. I feel like Daniel just gives him a hard time because he used to be the biggest nerd on the base. It's a shame about the Sodan. At least Haikon appears to have survived, and will no doubt now join the free jaffa nation. At least through him something of their traditions might survive. While I would say overall SGA had the better episode this week, the twist that Morlon was making a weapon to kill ascended beings is a MASSIVE gamechanger. It was always thought that ascended beings were invulnerable to anything but other ascended beings. If they can find this "god killer", it seriously levels the playing field, at least as far as the ori themselves. They already have a counter to the priors. Of course we still have no idea what kind of conventional military forces they could deploy down the road. At any rate, they have a gate address to follow. Kinda the same vibe as in Full Circle starting them down the path to finding the lost city.

Avlin Ærbødig

as an eoropean, seeing someone use a 12h format on their phone feels so weird to me :D

Avlin Ærbødig

and so arrives the beginnig of the end! Dr Lee one of the best sg carracter!