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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Angel Season 4 Episode 2 "Ground State" and Episode 3 "The House Always Wins" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/96jx3azjp5lyp6s4lt9jz/AGLS42-3UE.mp4?rlkey=d5tasrtz5u5ywxdx656mc47jz&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzcRgK9AXqhZKt06ixwJJPwHgoyLeU8u/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-PknI7VsKk7


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Let's fucking gooooo!


Yaay, excited to watch these!


Wait what this is angle

Timothy Nikiforovs

Fun couple of episodes. Gwen was an interesting character. There are some shades of Faith in there, but in some ways she more reminds me of Rogue from X Men. I don't know what level of control she has over her powers, but it's conceivable she can't actually touch anyone. That kiss, as oddly placed as it was, might have been the only sort of intimate contact she's ever had with someone, which would explain her disappointment that Angel was so set on finding Cordelia. Also Angel clearly subscribes to the old school of parenting. You know, the one that say sometimes you gotta make your kid homeless for a few months so he learns to appreciate what he has. Guess that sounds pretty bad, but it's not like he put a baseball through a window or lied about doing his homework(not that those aren't valid reasons to kick your kid out of the house). Jokes aside, he's clearly hoping he'll come around at some point. The House Always Wins is just an all around good time. Great to see Lorne rejoin the crew. I'm going to guess the reason they were stealing destinies instead of souls was that they already had an evil casino owner stealing(well I guess all those people did sign on the dotted line, so not stealing per se) souls in the Gunn episode. Had to change the formula just a bit. Also while I love Angel rubbing in how many famous people he's met over the years, it's a bit at odds with his backstory. I mean I thought he was in a century long depressive slump between when he got his soul and meeting Buffy. Chasing rats in alleyways doesn't seem like it would lend itself to the kind of lifestyle where he's be brushing shoulders with the likes of Elvis. And Cordy's back!! SG1 may have beaten Angel to the whole ascension arc, but Angel definitely got to the "they're back but with amnesia" bit first.