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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 16 "The Long Goodbye" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m879mxvypih9s5zsz61ro/SAS216UE.mp4?rlkey=osjaoik71yu00771ka0fvf033&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfVQvHtZTZLUjOeUwl2MDEW4sw2YZ8r3/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-SQkCVHtrGc


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Fanny H.

I really like this episode. Always Looking forward to it. Kinda suprised that the other comments say otherwise.

Timothy Nikiforovs

A lot of people have an intense dislike of this episode, and I tend to forget why until I rewatch it. There's honestly just something kind of silly about the whole conflict. While I can't say it's really on Torri since she would have been going off a script, Phoebus was such a petty and annoying character. Honestly they wrote her as such a corny, over the top evil character that it just ended up being impossible to take seriously IMO. Thalan by comparison seemed genuinely concerned about not harming the Atlantis crew(putting aside being willing to kill Weir), even calling in that Ronon had been shot. I wouldn't really say Joe was stretching his acting muscles too much though, as Thalan is pretty much John on one of his more intense days and if his loyalties were somewhere other than Atlantis. In many ways, minus the rather on the nose racism angle, this is in some ways similar to an episode of the original Star Trek show called Let That Be Your Last Battlefield, in which the last survivors of 2 separate factions refuse to stop fighting even though their respective peoples are all dead, threatening to destroy the ship. I feel that episode was written a bit more convincingly though. It would have helped if at least Phoebus or Thalan had a real motivation beyond "raargh, I hate you". It could have been one of them was trying to send a message back to their people with some critical intel about their war, while the other was trying to stop them, only for them to eventually realize that both their peoples are dead and there's no point continuing. What they went with for motivations was just childish. The 2 people that really stand out here are Teyla and Caldwell. Teyla was actually quite smart throughout the whole episode, especially dealing with John/Thalan, and I appreciate that she was willing to sacrifice John to save 3/4 of the expedition. She handled herself very well in a difficult situation, and it's nice to see her getting more and more material beyond "the sexy alien martial artist". This episode was also a pretty good reset on Caldwell's character after the whole goa'uld thing. Clearly he's still a very "my way or the high way" military officer, but still much more of a team player than he seemed in some previous episodes, which given we don't know how long he had the goa'uld, we can write off as not actually being him. Especially since Caldwell was very much a team player in his first appearance. I'd have to say this is the weakest episode of the season, followed probably by The Tower(and even that was much better IMHO). In fact it's probably one of the 5 weakest of the series. Still, considering there are FAR worse episodes of various sci fi shows, that actually speaks to the generally very high quality of SGA.


I usually skip this episode. The plot seems to depend on everyone being an idiot. From them believing it was really Weir talking to them to Ronan believe that was really Shepard. And to not mentioning Phoebus threatening to kill innocent people so she can kill a man that's already dead and won't be in Shepard's body much longer anyways.