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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Merlin Season 5 Episodes 8,9,10,11 REACTION!

EPISODE 8/9: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1hvn4n23p1fc04mvcvnpa/MLS58-9UE.mp4?rlkey=e8cn21e83v4pr19ak06mfyzzk&dl=0

EPISODE 8/9: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJ4DdEAAKRU7bXLUOD_gozBxEoPuSnLy/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 10/11: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qd4co9b49aei3tj4kr6um/MLS510-11UE.mp4?rlkey=yfx7zdgcjrwls5ggctpxisnf9&dl=0

EPISODE 10/11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rJf4XUQu2FK6mkp94eTNcCGxYSJp8vqT/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-sS6EGbVPjm


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I'm really hoping i'll really enjoy the last two episodes. I obviously hope you do too.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Well, I guess I died from red thrush fever. Thanks for nothing Gaius, ya snake oil salesman. OK, finally got around to watching the last of these, and overall things are at least picking up toward the end. Still not the quality of S4, but things are moving anyway. Ep 8 - I actually felt really bad for Daegal at the end. This episode is a pretty good example of how Morgana preys on the desperate and manipulates them for her own benefit. Clearly he wasn't a bad dude, just in a rough spot. I appreciate that Morgana didn't waste any time removing Merlin from the equation for once, but despite the fact he has interfered with her plans before, going to the trouble of getting rid of him seems odd since as far as she knows he's still just a servant. Her actions make sense to get a powerful sorcerer out of the way, Arthur's occasionally resourceful servant not so much. Ep 9 - I agree that the dark Gwen plotline felt rather out of place, and generally pointless, and I'm glad they didn't drag it out longer. I feel like there was a missed opportunity though. I was thinking the whole plotline accomplished nothing and had no real impact, and I was thinking that if it resulted in one of the knights dying, it would have had more impact. Then I remembered Elyan died in Dark Tower. I feel it would have been better if they had saved his death for this episode. As is, he died rescuing her, and then it's revealed that she's under Morgana's control, so the 2 things feel separate. I feel like if they'd worked out a way that Gwen had somehow caused Elyan's death while under Morgana's control, and that had snapped her out of it enough for her to willingly go into the Cauldron, it would have been more convincing and give this story more lasting impact that the cliche "love conquers all" angle. Also it would have further driven home the threat of Morgana that she could make Gwen kill her own brother. ep 10 - This one largely felt like setup for the finale. At least Merlin knows he has allies in the world of magic and that everyone hasn't thrown in with Morgana. Respect to Finna and Alator for standing up to her to protect Emrys' identity(even if that didn't last). Also sad that Kilgharrah is dying. He's been less present than in the earlier seasons, but still a staple of the show. At least he's no longer the last dragon, and hopefully Aithusa sides with Merlin in the end, being a dragon lord and all. Biggest revelation though is this prophecy about Arthur's death, so have to se what they do with that. Ep 11 - I actually think this was a mostly well done episode. The actor for Mordred did a great job with his torn loyalties. I'd say it was actually a convincing way to bring about his betrayal that's been teased for a while, and it wasn't a case of "I was playing you all along". Mordred was genuinely loyal despite Merlin's constant distrust, and it was Merlin's distrust and subsequent actions that brought about his betrayal, like a self fulfilling prophecy. For a bit there I was disappointed that Arthur was moving a bit too much like Uther, especially with the lack of self awareness to think "yeah I'm going to execute his girlfriend, but we'll totally still be bros". Still, he did give Kara a very generous offer of leniency. She wasn't hanged for being a magic practitioner, or even for trying to kill Arthur(which arguably he could say "I wasn't hurt so I'll be generous and let it slide"), she helped murder the people in that convoy, and all she had to do was say "sorry, Morgana led me astray" to live. I mean he was willing to let her get away with murder if she just renounced loyalty to Morgana. Can't help people who won't help themselves. Also regarding your joke about Mordred revealing Merlin as a sorcerer, I'm pretty sure without seeing said magic on display Arthur would just be like "pssh, Merlin!?!? Merlin can barely wipe his own ass, and you expect me to believe he can use magic? Ah, this is a prank, Gwaine put you up to it did he?". Uther on the other hand would immediately order his execution. That man needed no proof. Why he'd probably believe you if you claimed his own daughter were..........oh, wait, nevermind. But the biggest problem with the episode is Merlin's reasoning. On the one hand, the idea that as long as Mordred is in Camelot, there's a chance to maintain his loyalty has some merit, it all falls apart when the means for him staying in Camelot is to expose him in a act of treason and be forced to sit helpless in a cell while Arthur has his girl executed. If they'd have escaped, he might not even have gone to Morgana. Better yet, if Merlin had convinced Mordred to stay (preferably with the other knights as an alibi) and broken Kara out himself(like he's done so many times in the series), then Mordred would owe him a debt and the rift between them would be healed, and Merlin might even have been able to talk some sense into her and convince her to stop serving Morgana. Despite the ups and downs of this series, I am looking forward to finally seeing how it wraps up.


Originally I was going to try and write a big long paragraph to review all these eps too but I think you’ve done it so well I don’t think I’ll bother now! Totally agree with all your thoughts/points. All very well put too. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the finale! :)