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What it dooski! UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 4 Episode 8 "Tunguska" REACTION!

EPISODE 8: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j4pdx7k4zxcxpezdx09qy/XFS48UE.mp4?rlkey=ipk46gqyjqm652uvydns0zyn6&dl=0

EPISODE 8: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gXzPKdu17tJiOyZtQCjZe7nJ7DBJNHN4/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 9: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ssg6ea6dn7tcgwtz6oef1/XFS49UE.mp4?rlkey=3w0w84xfwdk8l454pjzusrf2w&dl=0

EPISODE 9: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D3QjiOyWjk6r3M6q09FvhmvwBHyp8La0/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-Rz5YOL29Ap


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Timothy Nikiforovs

I honestly a bit surprised nobody else has commented on this one. I always considered it to be one of the more memorable 2 parters. Maybe a big part of that was how shocking it was when they held Krycek down and filmed "1000 DEGREE KNIFE VS KRYCEK'S ARM!!!!". Actually this 2 parter in general felt like S1ep1 of Everybody Hates Krycek. That was in fact the same woman who played Teyla's friend Charin(Brenda McDonald). There are actually a good dozen SG1/SGA cast crossovers in this episode. Both Brendan Beiser(Pendrell) and David Bloom(the guy who got strip searched I think) were in the most recent episode of SGA. The terrorist they talked to was played by Brent Stait(Ferretti from way back in S1). Malcolm Stewart(scientist who got infected) was in the SG1 episode where they discovered tretonin. One of the detectives was played by David Abbott who played Daniel's old professor Dr Jordan in The Curse. Jano Frandsen played an agent here and a jaffa way back in Family. Raoul Ganeev played one of the russian guards and had many roles over SG1 and SGA, most notable Col. Evanov in Metamorphosis. Jan Rubes (Peskow) also played Nicholas Ballard in Crystal Skull("the giant aliens"). Robin Mossley appears for the 3rd time on X files, all 3 times playing a doctor(in fact he's also cast in a future SG1 ep playing a doctor as well. Guess he just has that look), and he was Malikai in Window of Opportunity. Finally there's Eileen Pedde who played Angie here and was Maj. Gibson in The Ties That Bind. And that's not even counting William B Davis and Mitch Pileggi. At least we know this "black cancer" can be forced out of the body without killing the host(I assume Peskow opted for the lethal option in the nursing home and with the scientist as a sort of cleanup). It's a little strange that it was just lying dormant in those people though. Last time it was taking over and making radiation blasts and killing people. It's scary stuff at any rate. The tagline "E Pur Si Muove" means "but it does move" in Italian, which is supposedly what Galileo said in defense of his theory that the Earth moved around the sun, and not the other way around, which of course parallels with Mulder defending his beliefs to the senators. The episode's director, Kim Manners, actually insisted on using real razor wire for the scene where they break into the gulag. The fake alternative just didn't look good enough on camera. David was not a fan of this decision. Overall a really great 2 parter, and some fantastic soundtrack choices as well, particularly when Mulder got infected at the end of Part 1. You've got a trip to Russia(and Canada), secret government coverups, that snake Krycek, the black oil, and Scully all geared up like she's ready to join an SG team(MP5 and all). Just a great pair of episodes.

Demijan Omeragic (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 10:31:37 >>>It's a little strange that it was just lying dormant in those people though. Last time it was taking over and making radiation blasts and killing people. It's scary stuff at any rate.<<< Can't answer this without spoiling, but there's lots of stuff about it on the internet. It's quite easy to explain. I highly recommend the website "Eat The Corn" (strange name, I know) for X-Files mythology explanations. Definitely NOT for Fail though, since he's only into season four. 100% agree with you that it's a fantastic two-parter.
2022-06-19 18:34:27 >>>It's a little strange that it was just lying dormant in those people though. Last time it was taking over and making radiation blasts and killing people. It's scary stuff at any rate.<<< Can't answer this without spoiling, but there's lots of stuff about it on the internet. It's quite easy to explain. I highly recommend the website "Eat The Corn" (strange name, I know) for X-Files mythology explanations. Definitely NOT for Fail though, since he's only into season four. 100% agree with you that it's a fantastic two-parter.

>>>It's a little strange that it was just lying dormant in those people though. Last time it was taking over and making radiation blasts and killing people. It's scary stuff at any rate.<<< Can't answer this without spoiling, but there's lots of stuff about it on the internet. It's quite easy to explain. I highly recommend the website "Eat The Corn" (strange name, I know) for X-Files mythology explanations. Definitely NOT for Fail though, since he's only into season four. 100% agree with you that it's a fantastic two-parter.