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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 14 "Stronghold" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/71zwi5e7lxekz0rnjrztu/SGS914UE.mp4?rlkey=czrmez1s0wz1nidbhace144bf&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o5PtiZ37p2adJygsxc7fn7jzwkXg5qKZ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-EXnpvsMC7m


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Timothy Nikiforovs

Favourite Teal'c hairstyle is the mohawk. "I pity the shol'va". But really I think it's just a reflection of his development over the course of the series. They're all fitting for the era of the show they're in. Except the caterpillar, dunno what was up with that. Also funny little tidbit, the pizza box in the hospital said "DeLuise and Sons Pizzeria" on it. I actually don't think any of the explosions were fake. Mostly explosions in space and such will be CGI, but if it's on the ground, they're pretty much always real. I watched the featurette for this episode and they use a LOT of pyrotechnic mortars that basically have an explosive charge underneath a plastic pouch of gasoline to fire this big fireball up into the sky. Camera angles and tricks do the rest. That said this episode does seem confused about whether Cam is using a shotgun or grenade launcher. It is a 12 gauge but it sure don't hit like one. I'm also glad you mentioned beaming the shrapnel out, since if they can do that with a goa'uld, a chunk of metal should be easy enough. It's a question I always asked about this episode. Maybe it's one of those cases where it's actually stopping the bleeding and removing it will cause a massive aneurism. But then you just have Carter or a tok'ra standing by with the healing device. I mean she healed Cronus from a lot worse. Still, overall it's a pretty good Mitchell episode, and I'm glad they went to the trouble of fleshing out his character so much this season. The rest of the team has pretty much conquered their demons, but Cameron is still struggling with his. Also pretty big moment seeing the Jaffa shed the last remnants of goa'uld systems of leadership and opt for a democratic society. After how close they came to surrendering their freedom to the Ori, that's a huge win. Next week's episode can't come soon enough.

Paul Carroll

yeah hopefully we start getting some episodes too come out in less then five days like that last ones came out I don't know about you but I need some filler in between 5 6 days too wait ? (a whole week is too long too wait for me too see some reactions come out luckly I have 9 more reacters on patreon I watch). lol