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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 13 "Critical Mass" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gyfyao4csm2ey7rm4ztca/SAS213UE.mp4?rlkey=rhb0qeevom0j8dna85v72f1ve&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EUHPo7baBO3Ruz_5dsEHaR9CuaQhRFWm/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-R1aECtDNjF


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Timothy Nikiforovs

"I was a particularly big fan of the general plot, story, and just sort of the crossover nature to.....MY WATER!!!!"😂🤣🤣 Yeah this week had real standout episodes on both SG1 and SGA. Between them I have to go with SG1 just because of that Fraiser cameo, but it was great to see the goa'uld machinations reach all the way to Pegasus. This was also a pretty clever way to reset Caldwell's character. We don't really know when he was implanted with a symbiote, so you can potentially write off most of those incidents where he was being a bit of an ass. Regarding Teyla's singing, it seems people are quite mixed on the scene. I think the song itself is fine, and Rachel is pretty talented singing it. Like Lady Beyond the Wall said, it does kind of have that 2000s music video vibe. I can see both sides. There's definitely a degree of artistry in having this solemn ceremony marking the end of a life as a backdrop to the chaos of trying to save Atlantis and the moral implications of turning to torture. But it IS a very unusual choice for SG. Still, if Luttrell weren't such a talented singer, I expect the universal reaction to the scene would be "WTF is this shit". And Dr. Lee man, the guy is such a nerd and I love it. I've been looking forward to the scene where he goes from the 101 Dalmatians reference to the LotR reference and suddenly everyone gets it. Lee is definitely the kind of guy to drag his kids halfway across the country to Comic-con, ostensibly to be a good dad and do something fun with his kids, only to end up geeking out more than all of them combined. There's also a bit of a parallel with Collateral Damage, in that both that episode and this one does everything it can to make you think one person is the guilty party, only to reveal it's the person you least expected in the 11th hour.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I just gotta say - I would have *absolutely* gotten the twilight bark reference 😂 My brother and I loved watching the old animated 101 Dalmatians as kids. To this day if I hear a dog barking and then another one down the street, I'm like "Hm.. twilight bark?"

Lady Beyond The Wall

I'm also really looking forward to both SG and SGA eps this week! And I'm not just saying that cause I always look forward to them! I just happen to really like both coming up. Wooo.