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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 2 Episode 14 "Grace Under Pressure" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9yrlepuova809s78bujbn/SAS214UE.mp4?rlkey=29i30pp9cgoeujcpbm3esikgq&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FTVuUrvrFYlRwo01t71HovePT1B0-Io0/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-W1rEDRgIQL


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ones of the best SG episodes

Timothy Nikiforovs

McKay "Come on Rodney, you've got this. You just need to show a little grace under pressure.......pressure? I've got to be at what, 1400 feet? That really is a lot of pressure, pushing down on me, pushing down on Hugh, no McKay ask for this!!" RIP to Dr. Phi....Hugh Griffin. I don't know if there are many people who would so willingly sacrifice themselves for McKay like that. I'm sure some would, but you know, they'd need a minute to think about it. For many reasons already stated, this episode is one of the classics of SGA. This does in many ways feel like a spiritual sequel to Grace, especially since that was a Carter episode and she's the hallucination here. It's interesting to see the jumpers used as submarines, but then given Atlantis was designed to be able to submerge, it makes a degree of sense they would be able to do that. One thing I also really liked in this episode was Sheppard taking a very active part in the rescue operation, not just breathing down the necks of the scientists and engineers to figure it out. He helped build the grapple, he had the idea to convert the cloak to a shield. That's one of the best aspects of Sheppard IMO, that he'll step up and do whatever is required himself when his friends are in danger. Also this is the second time Zelenka has straight up told someone to "shut up and let me work". Granted he's a bit more polite than that. You know what though, I respect it. He's got a job to do and no time for distractions. Also I think the fact that Rodney DIDN'T just imagine Carter is some itty bitty bikini speaks to the fact that deep down he really does have a lot of respect for her, despite his horniness. It's actually pretty touching that even with the pettiness of insisting she's at best tied with his intelligence, he admits that she's always been wiser than him. Also shout out to the lantean whale thing. Hard t speak to whether they're psychic and caused the Carter hallucination, but they did help Sheppard find Rodney's jumper, so good on them. Very memorable, well made episode. Also did anyone else notice how Ronon, Teyla, and Beckett are completely MIA?