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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Angel Season 3 Episode 5 "Fredless" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4hc017z8s7m8rj8ipq80y/AGLS35UE.mp4?rlkey=8votrnvpxn259xkfgiowwebzh&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tsd0N79mPtBKkrPvXZ2L4wZStUVQe4hh/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-XQnVaWfVlh


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The Dropbox link is for SGA!

Becky Gilreath

The dropbox is linking to an episode of SGA. Looking forward to seeing your reaction to the Angel episode!


Yeaaaa so I guess we might as well just let you know... once Buffy moved to UPN after season 5, the 2 shows were on different networks. This made crossovers much more difficult to set up... not just because of timing, but because of contracts. This is why we didn't see Buffy and Angel together here. It's not impossible... but it's tougher.


Fred has been through some s**t. The fact she survived for 5 years by herself, through all kinds of torture and ill treatment. Having to scavenge and keep herself as mentally together as she could, it's a heart breaker. It's a shame we may never know what occurred between Buffy and Angel but, after all these years, I kinda appreciate that they kept it separate from what's going on in the two series. I can't imagine Buffy getting involved in a bug fight whilst also telling Angel she was ousted out of heaven. Awkward. 😆


This one's about Fred's trauma and how she's dissociated from it to survive. The Lorne bit throws a lot of people off.....I think he's just feeling a bit jaded at the mo, not really in a good place for giving advice, so he instructs her to just keep running (from confronting reality and dealing with her trauma).


Yep, probably because he's doing the same thing (procrastinating re-opening the club).

Timothy Nikiforovs

This episode pushes you so hard to think Fred's parents are some sort of nefarious. Even when she leaves with them and you see there's 10 minutes left you're just waiting for the reveal. Pleasantly surprising that they're actually normal. Best part of the episode had to be Cordelia and Wesley's rendition of Bangel.


Hehehe... the subtle dig at Alien Resurrection... which Joss wrote...