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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Merlin Season 4 Episode 9 "Lancelot du Lac" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kzj1yp93rwpvn0xufiyvx/MLS49UE.mp4?rlkey=6tk2r2mxffw9atxbdzu429dkz&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COFyHjSqkjUd5NwEWRMHJOfWC_hiFGg2/view?usp=sharing

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Ugh so heartbreaking. And well done too, the tone was spot on here with the more serious nature. I think at the end there, Merlin released Morgana's hold on Lancelot, and that was his soul saying thank you as that means he can finally rest.


The way this show portrays its characters as just being complete morons get so tired and frustrating. Like you said we've seen it enough times where if someones acting out of character everyone else should notice. But nope The majority of the characters are just low IQ meat heads who think with their fists. Took them forever to realize Morganas BS just to have Agravaine now being just as obviously bad and Arthur cant figure it out. I don't know if it can be called bad writing or just a bad overall direction of the show. Its like they set parameters for how the stories need to go and the writing has to meet these bullet points or it doesn't get filmed. It reminds me of Smallville.... They had this mandate that Clark can't fly because once he does the show stops being Smallville and becomes Superman. Adding limitations to the writing kinda makes a lot of episodes feel like filler. Granted these older shows are episodic not exactly building toward a grand finale. Perhaps thats why shows like game of thrones leave everyone butthurt. Hard to conclude a show that has been building 1 long story over so many seasons. Just finished Knight Rider and man..... terrible show. Cool concept, badass intro, terrible writing.


Definitely one of the better episodes by far. I did enjoy most of this. But I'm so with you on the previous exorbitant use of the rinse repeat format hurting the over all outcome of this rather good episode. Having no challenge to the possible presence of magic, just because on this occasion that hurts the story is pretty dire preparation honestly. I did wonder if and how they might work in this particular element of the legend into show. I have to say it's one of the more creative elements they have tried. It's just disappointing, that its total effectiveness is subdued by the previous overused modus operandi.

Ixaala (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 02:57:35 I remember being sort of amused at how they tried to do the most PG kid friendly version of this part of the legend. Because in some of the actual legends Guinevere isn't really happy with Arthur and she and Lancelot do have an affair. Merlin is one of these shows that has shining moments of performance within a narrative that sometimes feels a little limited because it's very much a family & kid show, but the ending breaks me a little, because I think Merlin was able to wake Lancelot's soul briefly- which I imagine broke the compulsion to Morgana- and Lancelot recognises him the way Merlin had hoped for the first time, and then he has to say goodbye.
2022-01-17 12:22:47 I remember being sort of amused at how they tried to do the most PG kid friendly version of this part of the legend. Because in some of the actual legends Guinevere isn't really happy with Arthur and she and Lancelot do have an affair. Merlin is one of these shows that has shining moments of performance within a narrative that sometimes feels a little limited because it's very much a family & kid show, but the ending breaks me a little, because I think Merlin was able to wake Lancelot's soul briefly- which I imagine broke the compulsion to Morgana- and Lancelot recognises him the way Merlin had hoped for the first time, and then he has to say goodbye.

I remember being sort of amused at how they tried to do the most PG kid friendly version of this part of the legend. Because in some of the actual legends Guinevere isn't really happy with Arthur and she and Lancelot do have an affair. Merlin is one of these shows that has shining moments of performance within a narrative that sometimes feels a little limited because it's very much a family & kid show, but the ending breaks me a little, because I think Merlin was able to wake Lancelot's soul briefly- which I imagine broke the compulsion to Morgana- and Lancelot recognises him the way Merlin had hoped for the first time, and then he has to say goodbye.