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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 1 Episode 7 "Poisoning the Well" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xaq1r7u5acdm8wm7tctul/SAS17UE.mp4?rlkey=vmrx5dqtpmwjx9ov7e71phgut&dl=0

LINK: https://we.tl/t-QgVuEHgCG9


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A nice episode to get to know Carson a little more. Very Frasier like, healing first condemnation later. 😄 Find out some more about the Wraith now we'rea few episodes in, and in particular their physiology.


One of my (many) favourites of this season. A great moral dilemma and it paints a clear picture of what continuously being culled means for societies that would otherwise have the chance to advance. In a way tgeir stored history probably makes it worse. They always remember what they've lost.


Man they rushed out that covid vaccine without doing enough testing. RIP


I feel like this episode would be considered too controversial to be made today given its subject matter and ultimate conclusion. It was nice to see a more advanced society in Atlantis though, at least by Pegasus standards thus far.

James Yancy

It doesn't help that the manufacturers have been made immune to legal prosecutions and they are wanting to keep the developmental data locked away from the public for 55 years or more. Makes me feel very trusting. I'd trust a more mild version of Covid such as Omicron more to help create Herd Immunity.

Timothy Nikiforovs

One of the more memorable moral dilemma episodes in SGA in my opinion. Naturally we're going to be inclined to see "our" people's point of view. I mean if this thing killed 1 in 20 people practically everyone would say it's too dangerous. Even 1 in 1000. I mean people get crazy that the covid vaccines weren't tested enough even though statistically you're something like 100,000x as likely to die from the virus. But a straight up 50/50 shot at dying. That's pretty extreme. On the one hand, you wonder if the 96% in favor was fabricated, but given how laser focused their whole society was on making this thing happen, and with the knowledge of what the wraith repeatedly do, I can see where they're coming from. I mean realistically, a culling probably means half or more of their population gets taken each time. This would be in theory the last time they needed to face that. And true enough, if half the population of the Pegasus galaxy dies and it results in the wraith being completely starved once and for all, it's far fewer overall deaths than the endless cycle of culling. Of course as was pointed out, the wraith won't just leave in peace once they find out. I suppose a better use would be to give it to a percentage of people on every world, so the wraith can't wipe out whole populations without completely killing their food source, but also never know if their next meal will kill them. Still for this to be viable, that fatality rate needs to come way down. Great to see Beckett in the spotlight as well. As CJ said his character is very much in the same vein as Janet Fraiser, and they do a great job showing how much the situation in this episode conflict with his medical ethics. It was a great scene in the corridor when he and Perna were were comparing the source of their respective convictions. Very strong episode, great writing. Unfortunately the hoffans may have doomed themselves.

Scarlett Monrow

Very good episode. Interesting plot. I'm glad they touch on the fact that Wraith cannot eat other living creatures, just humans. It makes sense, because if Wraith had a choice, they would definitely kept cattle instead of people (much less hassle). I wonder if any Wraith scientists had tried to make animals more palatable to them through gene therapy or such.


“HIS NAME IS RAINBOW SUN” Haha I lost it 😂


Uh did you miss the last couple of years? If we had this dilemma 50% of the population would say the wraith were fake news and a hoax.

Paul Carroll

@failwhale34 nice one thanks for getting some new content for the holidays and I know how busy holidays with family and friends can be so thanks, and hope you had a great christmas and also you have a great new years. just wondering if we will get a merlin episode this week ? because its one of my favorite shows too I mean who does'nt love a show with wizards and dragons and mythologicle creatures and magic ! lol


Hmmmm notice every planet sg teams visit the friendly doctor/scientist/archaeologist is always good looking??


My mom often comments most episodes have 'a planet strangely similar to Canada'


Working with your environment is one thing, but consistently good looking scientists?


Greetings, fellow Whales. FW34 made an observation during this episode which reminded me of something that I've wondered ever since I first watched Stargate Atlantis with regards to the design of the Wraith... specifically, their teeth. Firstly, though, does anyone consider a cosmetics discussion to be in spoiler territory? If so, I'll bite my lip (unintentional pun...I think) and save the question for a later date.


If you are interested in discussions like this, on the FW discord there is a spoiler channel dedicated to Stargate where theres a lot of conversations like these :)


Where's the next ep?