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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 3 Episode 12 "War of the Coprophages" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q60dpgyc9ggc1mgdgs6yp/XFS312UE.mp4?rlkey=g9ib7v7ll7its9e8y4n2fg3wo&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19wAt1ZYhcNefw_wk0tUC8W2sPYiM04XX/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-RXwPjmQgcI


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Lady Beyond The Wall

"...Bambi?" I fucking love Scully, lol. This episode is so goofy, but very funny. Also: lol, poor Dr. Lee pulling an Elvis and dying on the toilet.


I love how this episode starts out relatively normally and then just descends into pure bizarreness. 😂 Probably the first proper comedy episode of the show.


This is definitely a guilty pleasure episode but I’ve always had a soft spot for it because I think it highlights the style of humour that TXF does best… I also love how many SG actors pop up throughout the show; in addition to Dr Lee in this episode, the actress who plays Dr Bambi also appears as Kynthia in Brief Candle (1x09)

Vicky N

This episode is so funny and meta. The writing is extremely clever. Almost every line is a pun or a double entendre. Every situation is a ironic twist on the premise of the show without diminishing it. That’s the third script by Darin Morgan, after Humbug and Clyde Bruckman final repose. By now his signature tone is evident. I like how at first Mulder tries to have Scully come join him and she rationalizes not having a reason to come until Bambi enter the scene and the situation is reversed. Scully immediately packs her bag and Mulder is, whatever, come if you must.



Paul Carroll

hello Failwhale34 thanks for getting stargate atlantis and xfiles up just a heads up if we will be getting office and merlin Thanks faily mc whaly fan!

Geonn Cannon

Scully is reading Breakfast at Tiffany's because when David Duchovny was on Celebrity Jeopardy, he missed a question about it so they were making fun of him. Bullying, plain and simple. 😂

Stef Furness

I think he said asap when you asked yesterday in the Atlantis thread.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Mulder "I'm a federal agent" Bambi "So am I" Mulder "Agent Mulder, FBI" It's like they're writing a song, doing a little duet, lol. The entire tone of this episode is that of the show parodying itself. Even the cockroach crawling across the screen is kind of 4th wall breaking. Even just how casually Scully asks "who died now". Every now and then you need a break from the scary, creepy, super serious plots and just decompress with a good comedy episode. Also I love how Scully was sitting on the sidelines the whole episode, then when she finally decides to go help, she gets covered in dung for it(of course Bambi stayed perfectly clean in the car). Hilarious episode. 8/10

Brent Justice

I loved this episode, it was clear they were taking it from a humor/comedy/self aware kind of theme for it, and that really worked. It's subtle humor, and subtle humor is the best IMO, I really love it, it's the little things. I think they were experimenting here with what they could do with humor in a ridiculous concept like killer cockroaches. I loved "Bambi" she was so cliche, it was totally on purpose, the hot scientist, with a cute name, who was "perfect" for Mulder. Scully just constantly having her "best day" at home and avoiding going out there, all the calls back to her at every moment, the fact she "debunked" every crime scene right from home just sitting there. Then, it actually does get a little philosophical/serious with the idea that if aliens did come to visit Earth, why not send robots and things to do it. Brilliant. This episode was ahead of itself in many ways. Thanks for the reaction.