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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 1 Episode 4 "Thirty-Eight Minutes" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g34rtr986eq2agd4ax060/SAS14UE.mp4?rlkey=3q0duqs3izfq8wvd7ofkj3vj3&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BfOtm0BDUlGeyylFWxV2_sMAolcY9czw/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-czE3obrhvt


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Rodney being S tier, let's gooo! Definitely my favourite in the Stargate franchise. Atlantis has so many great characters.


"Screams joy!!!"

Paul Carroll

hello Failwhale34 thanks for getting out sg1 and farscape and doctor who and buffy and angel. hope you doing well and have a happy holidays end of year. Will Office episodes be coming out today or tommorrow? thanks A Failwhale supporter!


Hey Paul! Thank you, appreciate it. Will be getting some office up asap along with X-files & Merlin. Hope all is well and happy holidays to you as well 🙏🏽❤️

Geonn Cannon

One of my all-time favorites of the franchise. A great episode of Stargate while also being a plot SG-1 could never have done. It cements my love for Weir as a great leader. If you notice, she doesn't sit down ONCE during the entire episode until she knows all her people are safe. It's a small actor choice (I think they said it was Torri's idea) but it speaks volumes about her character. Also, Ben Cotton (Kavanagh) is the guy JR Bourne (Martouf) brought to the convention before the episode aired so we could meet him before we met the character. He's very, very sweet and kind in person. 😂



Kenneth Elder

Yo, Radek's first appearance. They are among my favorites in all of Stargate, I'll leave the last name off to keep the surprise a bit about who I mean. If ya know, ya know.

Scarlett Monrow

One of my favorite episodes in season 1. Rodney is the best!


It'll take a while getting used to the new characters, but it looks like SGA is going to be a great fit for Fail 😊


"I'm told you have something of a Klingon!" COME ON, Really Zero Reaction.... Dude!! 🤣 Even an eye roll would have been just fine. 🤭 Do we need to get Failey to watch some Trek at some point.


You'll find that the problems and solutions in most episodes are well thought out and grounded in the rules of the show. There is more sciencing their way out, and less hand-wavy miracle solutions, usually. It's one of the reasons that I love this show so much. The writers are pretty smart in how they structure the episodes.

brad hawkes

This ep seemed weirdly cut in some scenes compared to my DVD boxset I got a decade ago, maybe it was just me. But good episode, not my favourite.


Weir and a great leader? She makes stupid emotional decisions all the time putting all the base at risk. Even though she's supposed to be a diplomat she humiliated Kavanagh in front of his whole team just for pointing out an important piece of information that there might be a danger of destroying the base if they keep the shield lowered. No great, or even average, leader would do that. It was completely uncalled for.


Ben Cotton(Kavanagh) starred in a Battlestar Galactica movie. He was fantastic in that movie. Very different than his character in this episode. I didn't know he was such a good actor. Hey Failwhale you have to watch BSG. You'll love it.


One of my faves from season 1. Such a cool concept and really well executed, enjoyed the reaction.

Matt E.

I forgot how solid this season is, I went in excited remembering how much I loved this ep, and it was fantastic but looking through the rest of the season there's so many more I can't wait to see. Episodes of sg tend to blur together for me, but there are so many coming up I remember with complete clarity :) And that's from the season that in my head was on the weaker side, so can't wait to see how the fantastic future seasons continue to excel

Timothy Nikiforovs

definitely more of a classic scifi format than SG1. SG1 is still my fave, but SGA has it's own strengths for sure

Daniel Thunberg

Ben Cotton (Dr. Peter Kavanagh) does an amazing job playing the most annoying asshole in this series. More is seen of him later in the series.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Between the SG1 and SGA eps for this week and last, I'd say this is the best, and obviously a million times better than Emancipation. There are definitely some shades of Apollo 13 in this story, and after an expensive pilot, this is a really creative bottle show to save budget. I'm guessing the location shoot on the planet was probably filmed while they were shooting Rising. And yeah, definitely a blue filter. They seem to do that for atmosphere, maybe to show a planet more distant from it's sun or something. Certain times on SG1 you'd see reddish or yellowish filters as well. Regarding the space gates staying put, you'll notice there are 3 pods attached to them. Presumably they're thrusters given the design and placement. Also on the approach to the gate Ford said "you thread the needle or we're dead", which is a nice callback to the goa'uld Needle Threader from the Hathor 2 parter. This is also the only SG1 or SGA episode to happen in real time. Pretty much exactly 38 minutes pass between dialing the gate and the eventual shutdown. It's just such a perfect premise for a stargate episode. Add to that the puddle jumper being stuck in the gate and in space which FORCES them to deal with the time limit in a way SG1 wouldn't be able to. At the same time they managed to expand of the Pegasus lore a bit more with the bug and a seeming evolutionary connection to the wraith, maybe the 2 species developed on the same planet. This is why I love bottle shows. When the writers are told they can't have a couple million in VFX shots in the episode, they tend to get very creative telling a captivating tale with limited resources. Basically they used the control room, conference room and jumper set for most of the episode. 1 thing I kind of have a problem with is the decompression scene. There just isn't enough air in that little cabin to create that much force. Probably enough to get the jumper moving ever so slightly, but Ford would basically feel a light breeze then vacuum(it would be like that scene in The Expanse where they spaced the Ganymede colonists). Only thing I can think of is the jumper's life support system pumped a boatload of compressed air into the cabin to compensate for the pressure drop. I'm not the biggest fan of Weir, and her lack of diplomacy with Kavanaugh (despite the guy being an ass, and way too salty) is a perfect example of why. Also I feel her character was made kind of obsolete by the show's entire premise. When she was introduced she was supposed to be a contrast to the military leadership we'd seen on SG1, then we arrive in Pegasus and quickly find ourselves at war with aliens even less interested in negotiation than the system lords. The solutions to the Atlantis Expedition's problems are clearly going to be military(Sheppard) or scientific(McKay). Add to that while he could put his foot down when necessary, I often find Hammond MORE diplomatic than Weir. Getting into an ego contest with one of your leading scientists during a time sensitive crisis is a bad idea. Aside from that though, I do think Weir was showing pretty good leadership here. She acted fast, let people work when they told her they didn't have time to talk, and refused to give up on the team. Perhaps Halling will see some wisdom in fighting till the very end. This was also a great way to force the team to bond in a stressful situation, being stuck pretty much shoulder to shoulder. Ford in particular I think stood out this episode, along with McKay(again). He might come across as a hardass and occasionally a bit immature, but he is a man of action. He gave McKay a much needed kick in the ass a few times this episode, and he dealt with the bug and blowing the hatch. Good showing for his character. Also liked the secondary cast getting more screen time. Grodin is always a nice addition, this is the first time Carson's position as CMO is essential to the plot, and of course everyone's (least) favourite, Kavanaugh. I also really liked the Czech scientist, Dr Zelenka. When Weir asks what she can do to help and he politely says "stop talking, please", I can relate. Every now and then I'll have supervisors calling and asking about one thing or another every few minutes and I'll just have to tell them I don't have time to chat. The good ones understand and let you work, which to her credit Weid did. One last thing to note, can you imagine this episode from Markham and Stackhouse's perspective? One second they're passing through the event horizon with Ford standing behind them, the next second Ford is laid out in the back while Teyla, Sheppard and McKay are stumbling into the pilot section, with the switch seemingly being instantaneous. Gotta be disorienting. Anyway, fantastic episode.

Timothy Nikiforovs

definitely a stronger 1st season than SG1, and SG1's first season wasn't even bad, though it did take a few eps longer to really get going with Thor's Hammer. At least SGA never had anything as bas as Emancipation that I can remember.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I love this episode. Love Dr Zelenka and how honest he was with Weir "Stop talking please 🙂" I do get why Kavanaugh was annoyed, but I also get why Weir was pissed. He should have waited until the 38 minutes were up to discuss his feelings and not spent even MORE time not thinking about how to fix the problem. She probably went overboard on the threats, but I mean, I'd be pissed too that he decided to talk to her during a crisis and not later. She wanted every second spent trying to figure out how to save them, which is completely fair, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Plus - he has such a punchable face during that "We'll talk about this later" part, ugh. Geonn has said he's a very nice guy irl, so he's a good actor to make me want to dropkick him, lol. I also loved the little looks Teyla kept giving Rodney when he was going on about needing food and when he was going on about pouring salt on the creature being a metaphor. I can't even explain the look, but I felt it, lol. One of my favorite episodes of the season, which is quite a compliment for only being a show's 4th episode, but the crew had quite a bit of experience with SG-1 at this point, so I'm sure that helped a lot. I'm very glad you're getting into the show and enjoying it. Can't wait for more! Love that you already have Sheppard gif ideas, lol, he does make some great faces. Edit: Also, does the Jumper have a bathroom back there? I didn't see any room for one, but sometimes when they're in the Jumper I'm just like - "What if I have to pee?" Especially if you're stuck in one! Also - this keeps not wanting to save my comment. So I keep having to try and post it. Apologies if you're getting any notifications.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Pro tip, every few minutes as you're composing a comment, press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C. That way at least what you wrote up till that point is saved in the clipboard and you don't have to start from scratch. Unless you already do that. I've had some pretty furious meltdowns after spending 20+ minutes writing out a 7 paragraph comment only for it to disappear. Doesn't help that my mouse has a thumb button that reverts to the previous page if I'm not careful. And yeah, Ben Cotton does a great job playing the guy everyone loves to hate. I feel the same way about Nick Tarabay on Spartacus. Ashur is so easy to despise but the actor seems like a totally cool guy.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I feel like stargate had grown to such a huge phenomenon the world over at this point, and the Atlantis expedition by it's very nature gave them a chance to give fans from a bunch of different countries some representation rather than an all American team(even if half the actors are Canadian). But yeah, Zelenka and Beckett are huge standouts to me, along with McKay

Neil Todd

One story line they could have done in comparison to this one in conjunction with the gate bridge concept they did in one season of SG1 is technically if you could program it to send someone through in a constant loop between several gates and keep it going there could be some kind of "time jump" for that person. Technically in this episode the two people who were in the forward compartment quit aging for 38 minutes while everyone in the back continued to.

Kamil Kydlicek

I am from Czech Republic a i was so happy that show has Czech character like doctor Zelenka played by Czech actor living in Canada David Nykl plus he has some pretty dope Czech lines in the show

Lady Beyond The Wall

Oh yeah - after a few times losing multi-paragraph comments, the past year or two I got in the habit of copying any comment I make that's more than a few sentences long, just in case, lol. Still can't figure out why it does it though (as in, I wonder if there's some kind of similarity between the comments that do it beyond being multiple paragraphs). Most of the time my long comments go through just fine, but sometimes I have to post it literally 6 or 7 times before it sticks. It's weird.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I find for some reason if my computer goes into sleep mode while the browser is open, or if there are new posts/comments on the patreon page and it hasn't been refreshed it tends to cause problems. Refreshing the page before starting seems to help

Lady Beyond The Wall

Interesting idea! I'm going to try refreshing before making a comment from now on and see how that goes.