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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Who Season 13 Episode 5 "Survivors of the Flux" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l3p1udhxf6ocrzvdis8a2/DWS135UE.mp4?rlkey=e59qag9ebdy21ji9iie3dqxbp&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13f0ov8hUJlY21WyJZ4oh_rWyXhavB3A0/view?usp=sharing

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I had hope for the flux but this episode destroyed my hopes


Yea So far it had been 13s strongest season. But its drawing to a close and rather than tying things up its still building to a sloppy open ended or rushed ending. I find myself wondering if Jack was ever supposed to be in any of this before Barrowman got canceled.


I respect the whole timeless children despite how it contracdicts the lore. Like how when 11th was at the end of his life and could not regenerate and the timelords had to give home more lives. But apparently that was not needed as he has infinite lives


I am so happy russel t Davis is coming back


As the doctor who showrunner


yea you would think the regeneration limitation would only apply to the timelords because they are manufactured while the doctor is an unknown species who seemingly has unlimited regeneration and cant imagine a limiter ever having been put on her as she is essentially timelord jesus. Hopefully with the fobwatch they explain the division arc happens between the 2nd and 3rd doctor since thats the only time that really makes sense as to why Ruth has a police box. We never see the 2nd doctor regenerate and its a forced regeneration as punishment so serving the division as part of that punishment kinda makes sense.


There's so much stuff going on that it's impossible to be invested in any of it. Not the biggest fan. Disappointing.


While the companions are off on their little 3 year adventure what was the purpose of most of what we were seeing? They had to find the date of the attack? More Chibnal trying to steal from other writer ideas with the concept date of the doctors death. I fear the only way he can resolve this story is to steal another one of Moffats ideas.. Big Bang 3.0 to reset the universe. "Fetch your dog" who doesnt have time travel..... What was the purpose of this whole segment other than to insert a bit of comedy with this monk? Showing us that Fob watch as well.... and the Doctor not just opening it right away... I fear shes just going to leave it because it would cause more continuity problems than we are already dealing with.

Paul Carroll

wow I love this kinda of shows your forgetting the marvel universe with spider man is going in that direction with the multi universe too bringing in all kinds of new ways so I'm here for it , what do you just want the doctor who and marvel movies and shows too end no more . I don't want that I want them too continue more seasons too be able too watch. bringing all that stuff in the flux episodes is a good thing because that means there will be more doctor seasons after the flux episodes.

Paul Carroll

this episode did'nt destroy my hopes its what the creators intended just like a good movie they want too pull you in for the last episode and ya all know you will watch it I know I will watch the last episode also. its not the end of doctor who there will be more seasons too come ! the creators have too start too go in other directions and try new stuff so they can continue more after the flux just like the new spider man movie coming out they going in to the multi verse angle also


i think youre misunderstanding? or i am... I dont think that its as much about it going off in so many different directions as much as trying to cram so much into so few episodes. taking what should be a 8-10 story arc and cramming it into 6 episodes. For example the end of game of thrones wasnt bad.... it was rushed. You could see Dany starting to shift to the dark side but instead of being a gradual decline it went was just like a switch flipped instead with no build up because the directors just didnt want to work on the project any more. HBO wanted more seasons but nah we will do 1 more season..... HBO was like ok 10 episodes though.... Nah we can do it in 8.... And what did we get? Everyone thinking it was a terrible season instead of just being 3 seasons cut down to 8 episodes


For the 11th Doctor’s regeneration seemingly making no sense, that’s because you are assuming that the Doctor didn’t get their biology rewritten when they were regressed into a baby 1st Doctor. It’s a plothole that you and many others are creating for yourselves, in the way I see it. The obvious assumption would be that the Doctor’s biology was rewritten and the 12 regeneration limit was implemented on them as the Time Lords definitely had the technology to do so. Hence, why the Doctor needed more regenerations in Time of the Doctor. Furthermore, this can also be backed up by the fact that his DNA has been registered as Gallifreyan on multiple occasions. It’s almost definitely what’s actually going on here.


I agree a lot with the sentiment that too much of this has been rushed. I can also except that this was perhaps a byproduct of shooting restrictions, but also that it might have been avoidable too. The argument that this, Division / Timeless Child arch widens the show to more story possibilities is a fair one. The show is essentially about change and it can be hard to except some elements in the process of that creedence. A lot of weight falls on this finale and unfortunately I don't think Chibnal has a particularly good track record for this show. Precieved conflicts in the already established events are an undeniable issue. But of course, the absence of more information has only exacerbated the situation. Two conflicting sides filling in the details in their own heads isn't helping. Further more, I don't actually think we will get enough clarification and that will undoubtedly make the issue worse and split that divide wider apart. Or the worst will happen and doubling down will continue but without a proper grasp on how difficult the acceptance will be for some. If we are to evaluate Chibnal as the show runner. I feel this series has been better than his previous on various fronts. Leaving that one question on the cohesion until tonights episode. Honestly I'm predicting he's not up to the task. My biggest question remains, until AFTER what ever is or isn't revealed in the finale. If as a fan, I refer to any Doctor by number. Can there be a dividing debate on Who I am taking about? Yes it's perhaps a trivial question for some. But I've always precieved this as a consistent element from Classic to Film to Nuwho throughout the show runners. Yes Moffat did absolutely insert another and the get out clause is a massive use of the word convenient. But at least that was originally intended to be the 9th and he did at least deliberate on the implications of messing around with the numbering system. This is a whole new level of fluxing around in adding Who knows how many in to the mix. We will just have to wait and see I guess.


Hopefully ya boi Davies will fix the screwup's seasons retroactively when he takes over once again