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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 PREMIERE!

EPISODE 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5z979lfhho13wr9w6bct1/BFYS61UE.mp4?rlkey=11llp66udzurt3gbnrtgmtgrv&dl=0

EPISODE 1:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/10d3Ok2xvxbzf0aDopvjcsx1231GQyX0O/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/izljpm7sup33nadz7p21u/BFYS62UE.mp4?rlkey=hoik2zztrj83g59unlxgovist&dl=0

EPISODE 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T-CVUKNJJhSuQFO0Uqo9hSYRVuMk5KNb/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-Kfbr3nJLyM


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Raven Dark

Leaving the answers to your other questions in a separate comment because when I try to edit, Patreon has a habit of eating them. No, Willow cannot conjure fire. If you watch carefully any episode where fire is used in a spell, she has either controlled already existing fire to make it bigger or more intense (Buffy versus Dracula when she made Xander's barbeque fire go bigger) or she lit is the normal way, the way she did in the first of these two episodes (ie with candles and a lighter). The only time it might have looked like she conjured it was in season four, when she made the fire erupt in the school while looking for Riley. But she didn't conjure that either. She smashed a bottle and said a spell word, the implication being that she contained fire in the bottle using magic, and when she smashed the bottle, it created the explosion of fire that lit the school hall. The way I've always viewed the spell, had it been completed, Buffy would not have had to dig herself out of her grave. I imagine she would have just appeared above ground, lying on the grave, or standing before them. Otherwise they wouldn't have been so horrified at the realization that she had to dig her way out. I suppose they could have made this more clear by saying how she would have gotten out, but it would have killed the momentum and forced them to spoil what was happening before time. Yes, they do bury you in some kind of footwear when you die. I went to my best friend's funeral. Open casket. He was buried in a nice suit with dress shoes and a tie. Hair and face done up nice. Typically, people are buried in formal wear, though I believe they will bury a person in whatever they ask for within reason if they request something specific. You can be buried in a suit of armor if you ask for it and you pay for it.Buffy's burial attire is accurate, shoes included.


It's so interesting that you said it was a nightmare. This is literally Buffy's nightmare scenario which we learnt in season 1. Partially dying and becoming a vampire but also being buried and climbing out of a grave. Pretty traumatic. Graves are used throughout The Buffy series as a form of symbolism, for example when Faith woke up she fell into a grave with Buffy following her and then was effectively reborn.

James Yancy

Faily playing the psychic card on the very first episode of the season... Anyone else catch that?

Brent Justice

Hrm, Buffy did seem dead dead, Willow thinks her soul was in a hell dimension being tortured. Interesting that Buffy asked: "Is This Hell" after all, we kinda learned in Angel it is lol, so she's not wrong! As for her ability, I don't think she's necessarily stronger, I just think she's gotten so much better at her fighting skill and in real life also getting better at the choreo. I'm not sure when it happens, but at some point, she will have to prepare for the Scooby Doo movies, and there is some rub off from those movies. You are either going to like Season 6 or not, some view it as not that great, or a lower point for the series, while others don't, I'll be interested to see your take on S6. And Giles did hug Tara. And his leaving was foreshadowed in previous eps I think. I mean it makes sense, he did his job, time for the next watcher. Which might have you asking a question, was another slayer activated when Buffy died? Faith is still alive. But so far, there has been no mention of any other slayers springing up. So maybe the slayer line does lie with Faith and not Buffy, like that's confirmation? An interesting thought to think about.

James Yancy

An interesting point. When Buffy died the 1st time (very briefly), Kendra was activated. Then upon her death, Faith was activated. So far as we know, no one was activated after Buffy's 2nd death. So, it would seem the line of succession does lay with Faith, but Buffy still retains her full connection to the power despite that. In essence, Buffy is a fully realized Slayer in Reserve, outside the current succession, but still fully part of the order. She's Icing on the Cake.

James Yancy

So basically, Buffy has existed outside of the Slayer Line of Succession since the end of Season One. That doesn't mean she's no longer a legitimate Slayer, only that she's no longer tied to whatever function of the power determines when a new Slayer needs to be activated. Everything else still seems to be connected.


I definitely believe the line lays with Faith. When the previous slayer dies, a new one is called, but Faith is still alive and she is the current slayer... so makes sense why we wouldn't have a new one mentioned. I ALSO believe that the characters in the show may not exactly be aware of how it works since this is the first time it's happened as far as they know... and therefore, even what they say about it may need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah, taking this ep along with what's previously been seen seems to confirm that only 1 active line of succession exists at a time. I covered on the discord a while back that the Watchers could potentially have an army of active slayers by somehow stopping the active slayer's heart and then reviving her. Messed up, but I wouldn't put it past them.

Timothy Nikiforovs

"Leaving the answers to your other questions in a separate comment because when I try to edit, Patreon has a habit of eating them." I have felt this pain far too often

James Yancy

Yeah, the stopping of the Heart "clause" of the new Slayer activation sequence is probably just an artifact of the limited medical knowledge during the time of the creation of the Slayer. An unintended loophole that was never discovered until modern medicine revealed it.

Timothy Nikiforovs

that's what I figure, of just that's the most obvious trigger that one has died and it's time for the next. But yeah, loophole.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I can just imagine the writers room on this one. "So hear me out, the Hell's Angles, but they're ACTUALLY from hell". Yeah, that's the most traumatic resurrection I can think of. To make it even worse, you gotta remember that for her, it wouldn't be this soft blue lighting we see, it would be the most absolute pitch black you can imagine. She had to comprehend and process that she was in a coffin under 6 feet of dirt from feel alone, all while being completely confused. Also can you imagine the smell in there after 3 months of decomposition🤮. What's going to be interesting is seeing how Giles reacts. I'm sure he'll be elated to see Buffy, but I expect he'll take issue with what they did behind his back. I mean even Tara and Xander kept pointing out how wrong it is. For that matter, Spike still doesn't know she's back, so that's gonna be great to see as well. Hurts to see Giles go though. At the same time I appreciate that with Buffy out of action, and Spike protecting Dawn, it forced Xander, Anya, Willow & Tara to tackle the problem alone. Giles has always been a foundation for the team, the responsible & knowledgeable adult, and Spike and Buffy are heavy hitters. Normally Willow is as well, but being drained from the resurrection spell, it put them on the back foot and they still pulled through. Speaking of Giles leaving, I love Tara's little "grrr, argh" when she gave him the finger puppet, mimicking the Mutant Enemy logo at the end of the closing credits. We'll have to see what his role is going forward or how often he'll pop up. As was pointed out, Spike sticking around and insistently protecting Dawn even after Buffy's been gone for months speaks to his loyalty. Huge step up from his creepiness last season. With Buffy asking if this is hell, you gotta question where she actually was. From that it sounds like Sunnydale, at least during a demon biker invasion, isn't any better than where she was, especially with the added trauma of digging out of her own grave. If this seems like hell to her, that was a weak sauce hell dimension she got banished to. At any rate, she's back. Being the titular character, it wasn't exactly a surprise they'd 180 that. Still, it'll make things interesting going forward to see how she acclimates back to life.

allison lussier

If you remember, being buried alive was one of Buffy’s fears in the episode “Nightmares”.

Claire Eyles

Welcome to my favourite season of Buffy. I absolutely love Buffy season 6, love, love, love season 6!

Claire Eyles

My Mum had shoes on even though it was a closed casket service. It just seemed right to have dressed nicely even if no one was going to see her. I do remember thinking 'it's a closed casked, does she really need a pair of shoes on as well?', then I thought, 'Omg, wait, she can't meet up with Dad in the afterlife with no shoes on, she'll be mortified!' I don't technically believe in an afterlife as such, but for some reason it was very important that my mother be dressed appropriately for it. The things we think and do when dealing with death.


Season 6 is my favorite season as well.



Dani Dekay

Ah yeah all the “spike never genuinely cared about Buffy, he was obsessed” dude stuck around after Buffy died. He didn’t have to. He did bc he cared

Dani Dekay

Seems rare, it’s my favorite as well. Lots of people seem to hate it