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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 8 Episode 4 "Zero Hour" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kzovyczzxuljp30nwpkwl/SGS84UE.mp4?rlkey=54hf5z9dyf4c1td3mxv6ezuzk&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o5eTXtS_JPfaotAua7lVbK4n84ooqxYw/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-4VVRZIpUYX


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When you said Carter was a General, I think you meant Colonel

Brent Justice

No Sam is not pregnant lol, that remark was about Jacks' feelings for Sam, he's now in charge of sending her off on dangerous missions and can't be there himself to help. That's a tough thing to ask for someone who might have a love for someone else. They are pulling on those strings. As for the episode, yeah, it's all from the SGC perspective, which is unique, from Jack's perspective, what he has to go through to manage this base. I love that.

Amy Appleyard

Sam isn't pregnant he just wanted another team to go with them for back up since he can't go with them, plus she wouldn't be able to go off world if she was. But Amanda was pregnant in real life during most of this season!

brad hawkes

Strangely, this is one of my all time favourite episodes of SG-1, Jacks at the top of his O’Neilisms in this ep, Ba’als my favourite system lord and the perfect foil for Jack, Just a perfect episode. Walters largest speaking role to date ❤️ The magnifying glass Dr Lee’s switch into a fantastic comedic role. The two delegates locked in a room 😂


"...it's what I do..." - nice little callback there, too.

Stef Furness

Forgive me my scrambled memories, is this the first O'Neill and Ba'al have been "face-to-face" since the Abyss episode?? We know Ba'al has been scheming in the background, but for all the times Ba'al tortured Jack to death, it must seriously heat him for Jack to still be so smarmy, and now in charge of how the SGC handles threats like his. And as he should be - Jack and Daniel were the first, that we're aware of, to ever overpower a system lord in the original movie. Who does Ba'al think he is?!!

brad hawkes

It’s.. what.. I.. DO! As a matter of fact it does say colonel on my uniform 😏

Timothy Nikiforovs

You're correct Stef, in fact this is only Ba'al's 4th appearance after Summit/Last Stand, Abyss, and Homecoming(mentioned several other times). I believe only Teal'c spoke to him in Homecoming. Jack just expressed how much he thought making a deal with him was a stupid idea.


Discord peeps...yes, I said peeps 😄... does anyone know when we should expect SGA? I assumed it would be alongside SG1 or at least the day after.


He said he was taking an early night and he'd watch it in the morning, but I'm in an EU timezone so I have no idea what that translates to. I'm assuming it'll be out for me tonight.

Timothy Nikiforovs

This episode is.....not one of my favourites. I mean it's perfectly fine and it has some great moments, but it feels like it's (along with New Order Pt 2/Lockdown) front loading O'Neill before his screen time gets reduced. He's basically Hammond now after all. While I can appreciate seeing the episode from the perspective of the boss(and would have loved this format while Hammond was around), it basically means the rest of SG1 is barely in the episode. We're seeing the daily operations of the base while the team's adventure goes mostly unseen. Clearly that's not going to be the case every episode, which means Jack's time on screen will likely become similar to Hammond's as we follow SG1 on their missions more. Again I'll say, I think they screwed up with Camulus. The intel he could have offered on the system lords and more importantly the gaps he could have filled in with Earth's technology was well worth making a deal. Obviously he's never going to be able to roam free on Earth, and he's always be watched/guarded, but set him up in a beachfront mansion somewhere, set up a lab in the basement, and assign a team of scientists to work with him to develop new technologies to help defend Earth, which is in his best interest. The benefits are worth offering the "carrot". It's great to see Walter with more responsibilities. I'm sure he had them already given how on top of things he is, but we never got to see him outside his role as a gate tech before this. Also Dr Lee is always a welcome addition. I couldn't help but laugh as he explained the destructive potential of the ZPM with those ridiculous goggles on. I suppose that's something they could keep in reserve if they ever need to blow up a solar system(again). Best stash it FAR away from earth though. Ba'al certainly seems like the most casual main antagonist so far(at least, he's the most powerful system lord), and Jack seems insistent on pushing his buttons, so that's going to be fun to watch develop. Last week, SG1 was definitely better than SGA. This week, gotta give it to Atlantis.


"Is it really wise to antagonise him?" "It's what I do!" Something that Jack does have in common with Colonel Danning.

brad hawkes

A Hammond version of this episode would have been amazing actually. We havnt really got a completely Hammond centric episode yet,

Benno Witter

That dialog with Walter seems to be a tribute to Walter "Radar" O'Reilly from M*A*S*H.