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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 3 Episode 12 "Meltdown" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xc5lkhi4lt21uguqz1xbk/FSS312UE.mp4?rlkey=ubqdvj4cr6y4uefbtg21pvai4&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fofwrpG1nz_8eOAUNJIUse1fURJPxtnF/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-hxwRpmd804


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So happy you're doing these! I'm a sap for Aeryn and John, have been since I was a kid as I watched these when they originally aired and have rewatched many times since. I would love this episode for that alone. Getting to see Aeryn and John be extra playful and lovey together. I especially liked the scene where Aeryn tells John she loves when he takes control and makes sure he knows it's not just the most talking. For this usually more reserved and, let's be honest, controlling person, to be able to honestly say I love it when you take control when she is someone who hates to lose control, I just - ah! I live and love. Been shipping them since the 90s. But I also love how goofy under the influence Areyn is. When she straight up laughs in Chrais' face and when she did the Xan thing. Really everyone on the show. I love when they get to act wacky and goofy, though you're right it's not the craziest we've seen and definitely not the craziest to come. It's a testament to the actors and writers for really knowing their characters, because even when they've gone loopy it's still believably them. Idk this one was more character driven and I'm a sucker for those episodes. Anyway, loved the reaction, can't wait for the next one!