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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 "Lost City" FINALE REACTION!

EPISODE 21/22: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHQVW-oQQ4kXiVno3iV7ghH4VA4XPiOn/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/18nuomjw6cn5q7x734se7/SGS7FINUE.mp4?rlkey=08pifimsa3mu7pabxwyb8lkcd&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SF0QdKDnRsvgbAxXS5sUEi1d0s_9l4WH/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-xa6OoRFJoJ


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I'm so proud of the SGC 😭 S8 time!!


Farscope rendering rn- x-files 3x9/10, angel 2x19/20, merlins 4x7/8, and another farscope expected this weekend.


Well look at that, my reload of the page was spot on, i am sooooo hyped to see you reacting to those episodes :D


That's the most badass moment in all of stargate. "There are more ships coming from the other side, wait they aren't...."

Brent Justice

I will watch this tonight with a pizza, perfect night.

Stef Furness

"Three days from now is a Thursday - Thursday's no good for us." <3

Geonn Cannon

When Weir is leaving the Oval Office, the President sees someone waiting and says, "Bonnie! Get in here!" That woman is Bonnie Arbuthnot, who won the very first Get in the Gate contest. So she's a fan who won that role. 😁


Stargate Atlantis next week please. Let’s Goo


So how about the Spin-off Series? ^^ There is a lot of chronology to be aware of and to get the best viewing experince. So i would recommand for the next episodes this: 8... = stands for season 8 of SG1 1... = stands for the spin-off Series of Stargate Atlantis. 8.01 Part1 8.02 Part 2 1.01 Part 1 1.02 Part 2 8.03 1.03 8.04 1.04 8.05 1.05 I would also have a list of viewing order ready, but for now i think this will do fine :D


God I hope he watches stargate Atlantis


Does this man have a discord



Thomas Thorburn

Any plans to watch stargate Atlantis ?

Avlin Ærbødig

stargate atlantis here we go!!!!! enjoy!!!

Scarlett Monrow

Finally! Stargate Atlantis is here! First two episodes go together, so please post them together!

Geonn Cannon

Chimera, on the base and a residential house. Death Knell, Carter running around in a forest. Resurrection, a warehouse. Inauguration, White House. And now you know where their location and FX money was going. Right here. 😁 One of the best episodes of the series.

Scarlett Monrow

31:31 - I love that battle. Just imagine, only 8 years ago only 10 SG teams existed, slowly exploring the galaxy, many dying. And now, so much was found and learned during these years, that humans are fighting off the strongest Goauld! That is an amazing progress.

James Yancy

This is the episode that takes Stargate to the next level. They still have a long way to go, but now they have a whole Ancient Outpost to explore and research. On Earth itself no less.

Darren Swinbank

wow been waiting for this from the start


He still needs to watch the first 2 episodes of season 8 at a bare minimum before starting SGA

Timothy Nikiforovs

Will have to write out my full thoughts after work but this episode is arguably the peak of sg1. Still plenty of great stuff left, but Lost City is an absolute ride.

Andrew Dubbel

I hope you start doing Stargate Atlantis along side SG1 going forward!


If anyone is wonder why the season finishers are so badass. The star gate creators didn't know they were going to be picked up for the next year between season 3-8 so they always went balls to the wall like it was a show closer. Syfy would only green light them later and everyone would come back.


“Atlantis? Aquaman is a Goa’uld, confirmed!” Ohhhhh, the LAYERS of DELICIOUS irony that surround that statement!

Dakota James Stanton

Stargate Atlantis Starts after episode 4 or 5 of SG1 season 8 I believe.


Looking back, it was a bit anti climatic. Then again, I can't remember what's going to happen in the first episode of season 8.


Sg1 and SGA episodes every week...... 👁👄👁


Beware that Dr Elizabeth Weir may look a bit different the next time you see her.


I can't believe we're at the end of s7 already. 😭 Love you guys, it's been a great journey thus far


This is peak SG1. Not in the sense that is downhill from here (it isn't) more so that the SG1 battery is finally at 100%. LET'S GO! Hopefully you are aware but watch the first two episodes of SG1 before starting the spin off. Also, next season is when one of my favourite characters gets introduced so looking forward to that!


This is like the most epic space battle that doesn't take place in space.


Time for Atlantis!!! So excited for you to see what they've been building towards! (as others said, season 8 episodes 1 and 2... or just 1 if it's bundled come before the premiere of Atlantis which you HAVE to watch! SG-1 has been building to its story for so long!) Enjoy!


Definitely one of my favorite season finales. It's been a long road for earth and the SGC to get to the point where we can put up a fight against the baddies... but we kicked their asses and if I may say so... it was glorious... Shoutout to Walter seeing some major action :o


Jack used way too many drones, but it was his first time lmao. Like bro Jack, 6 drones can kill a mothership stop wasting earth's ammo😭😭😭


LETS GO!!!! So excited for what’s coming next! ☺️

Timothy Nikiforovs

Alright I finally found a moment to write out my thoughts on this episode, which I would easily put in the top 5 of the series. Lost City is the point where I'd say Earth ascends from being the underdog to a major player in the galaxy. This was Earth's victory, and you see now the payoff of having stripped away all of Earth's major allies over the past season. Obviously despite how well they did here, Prometheus and the 302s could never have succeeded on their own. The ancient weapons platform was a huge "deus ex machina" moment, but all the same Earth now has a weapon able to lay low the fleets of the most powerful goa'uld where the rest of the combined system lords failed. The galaxy is going to have to start really taking Earth seriously at this point. The Battle of Antarctica is definitely one of the defining moments of the show. It's the ultimate vindication of everything the SGC has done over the past 7 years. When Bra'tac says the other ships are not goa'uld, at first a few possibilities might exist; rebel jaffa or tok'ra(though at a glance they'd also appear goa'uld), maybe the asgard dropping in at the last second? However once you see those AMRAAMs start knocking al'kesh out of the sky you know exactly what's up, and it still can't prepare you for seeing 2 dozen 302s and the Prometheus racing in to go head to head with the goa'uld. The 302 got to show what it was made of in the S7 pilot, but this is the first time Earth's fleet really proved itself in all out battle, and it was glorious. As an aside, I wonder if the 302s could potentially have defeated Anubis fleet? It would be tricky, but if they could replicate and refine the "hyperspace jump inside the shields" from Fallen, maybe with a custom computer program to fine tune it, if they couldn't have done some major damage. Obviously much harder to pull off in the more confined space around a regular ha'tak, and you'd still need a nuke and a way to delay detonation until the 302 can get away. Maybe have a smart bomb of sorts, with thrusters and a mag lock that maneuvers onto the hull and awaits a detonation signal. 302 drops the thing, it sticks to the hull, 302 high tails it out of there, flips a switch, 1 dead ha'tak. Even if they lost most 302's doing this, if all that were left were gliders and al'kesh, F-16s and such can take care of those. Regarding the pacing, this episode feels the most like a movie in my book. It starts really casual, takes most of it's first half to bring you up to speed on the events leading up to this, then spends the middle of the story building up the threat and setting the characters about racing to find a solution, finally concluding in a climactic battle. I always get sort of Independence Day vibes from this episode. Not surprising since this episode was originally conceived and written as a movie and the series finale. There were actually some major cuts that had to be made so it fit as a TV episode, including the Nimitz task force being destroyed, president Hayes speech that would have revealed the stargate to the public, and originally SG1 was going to parachute down to the ancient outpost as opposed to using transport rings. You can also see in retrospect that Inauguration is a much more important episode than it seemed at the time, as it set the stage for this episode. It was good to see James McDaniel back as Gen Maynard, and this episode marks the second time a real Air Force chief of staff sppeared on the show. The general (John P Jumper) who said Prometheus and the 302s could give the goa'uld a run for their money was chief of staff at the time, following the appearance of general Ryan back in Prodigy. The delivery of his lines was a little stiff, clearly the man isn't an actor, but still cool they got him on the show. Also Hayes really shined in this episode as a man of integrity, standing his ground while Kinsey ran. Admittedly Bra'tac does have some exceptional plot armor, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Of all of Earth's allies, I'm glad he took part in this battle. He's always been there when the tau'ri needed a friend, so it was fitting. Interestingly for all the mutual respect he and "Hammond of Texas" have for each other, this is just the second time they've gone into battle together, though by comparison taking down Hathor was barely even a battle. Crazy how far they've come in just 5 years. Hathor had one base an maybe a couple hundred jaffa, and Anubis was dominating the rest of the goa'uld. With this episode SG-1 basically doubled the number of ha'taks Earth has taken down, going from 34 to 64. Also considering the man is 140, he kicks some serious ass, even after being stabbed. Speaking of which, Ronan is played by Marc Worden, who Trek fans will recognize as Alexander Rozhenko from DS9. It's also great to see Hammond really take a leading role in the action as well, and I'm glad they had Walter join him on the Prometheus. It shows that as simple as his job can seem, Hammond recognizes his dedication and wanted him on the crew......that or Walter is just more expendable for a suicide mission, but we'll go with the former. We'll have to see what happens with Hammond going forward, maybe this battle makes it clear they need the military in charge, but either way this was a great showing for Hammond. I also love the level of faith in SG1 he shows over the course of this 2 parter. The man has never doubted that his people will succeed, and he's never been wrong to do so. Again, just one of the best ever episodes of SG1. So many of the key scenes are shot with this movie level cinematic quality, the music was on point, pacing was phenomenal, and they hit all the right emotional beats throughout with those little moments between the team as Jack slips further and further away. It was great how they had the little party at O'Neill's house, and how everyone was trying to downplay showing up. I mean "yeah, so, I was just randomly driving through your subdivision, on the way between nowhere and some place". Also Daniel's goofy little signature "hellllieuuu" that he's done a few times now. Bringing the whole team and Hammond together for one last quite moment before the storm was a great touch. The scene is also a nice bookend for the scene in Children of the Gods when Jack and Daniel meet at his house to reminisce over a beer. Thankfully they're both in a much better place in their lives now. I loved that both Daniel and Sam said they would have used the device in his place, but Jack is right. Daniel is the only one who can translate, and Carter is too valuable to get her brain fried over it, and O'Neill calling her a "national treasure" is one of the most touching moments between them. Originally they were going to kiss after O'Neill resigned but I'm glad they didn't go that route. It would be a bad look on Carter being in a relationship with Pete, and Jack is mature enough to not come between them like that. Also thought the scene where Teal'c essentially goes to say goodbye to O'Neill is great. Even though Jack can't speak or potentially even understand english anymore, he still knows what Teal'c is about to say, and he still finds a way to tell him that he doesn't have to. The 2 are just brothers at this point. Also having Daniel serve as his last line of communication just feels fitting as they've been in it together from the beginning. So what does this mean going forward. How will the other major powers regard Earth with the weapons they now have? Will the stargate go public(I mean it's a very discriminatory meteor shower to just target a carrier group and power and communication grids)? Is Weir a permanent addition? What will happen with Jack? So many questions. Looking forward to S8.


Just so you know. You absolutely have to watch Stargate Atlantis Episide 1 after the first two episodes of Season 8 of SG1. That is a MUST.


The links to the reactions doesn't work.


We need new links, please!