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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 3 Episode 9 "Nisei" and Episode 10 "731" REACTION!

EPISODE 9: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ib34bl6d4q16torizkiw6/XFS39UE.mp4?rlkey=ozy24v82hjbvxu7y7xtsdh9aw&dl=0

EPISODE 9: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k5HKvFpwfZxk-hA8nhJglZ53HlereADD/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 10: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zq3tz9xbkrijq8yd7brob/XFS310UE.mp4?rlkey=wchv7t5vl0j7ges5hatft4txb&dl=0

EPISODE 10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYfdtztgjbTskS1L5dEYOMxqvxEpFlNO/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-SHTS9alew1


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Timothy Nikiforovs

unit 731 was a real facility in WW2, and the main inspiration for this episode. The kinds of human experiments that went on there are absolute nightmare fuel, and almost make nazi concentration camps seem tame by comparison. Shiro Zama seems to be inspired or at least named after the real leader of the facility, Shiro Ishii. In reality he'd be over 100 at this point in time though. This ep also seemed like a clever way to reset Scully's skepticism and return her and Mulder to their earlier dynamic. Kind of frustrating given how much she's seen though.


Hearse was the word you were looking for. The limo for corpses


when can we expect Angel? you said last week that it was coming but it was like 6 days ago


sadly he does that a lot. he also did a farscape episode on Friday saying there would be another coming "this weekend". Pretty much can count on that never happening seems most uploads will be thur and friday. He seems to have trouble getting motivated or just keeping a schedule. Which is odd. As rough as editing can be at times based off the sub count one can assume hes making much more than your average joe working a manual labor job. But you know what they say money cant buy happiness and mental health knows no bounds

Brent Justice

Quite behind on Angel now aren't we, been about 3 weeks at least with no Angel, and at least two weeks now with no Buffy.


He's late with Angel reactions (should've been 2 last week and 2 this week) but there are only two slots total to cover both shows - if there are two Buffys in one week, there won't be an Angel, and if there are two Angels, there won't be a Buffy. There's quite a solid block of Angel in the watch order at this point, so Buffy is going to be a few weeks.