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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 3 PREMIERE REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s0zfhrxxhijkx9n7rz8vb/FSS3PREUE.mp4?rlkey=8yirqfhwc7dlrv3xx66273eu3&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QWqejqdA6glqeNWErSrF8LbxycExwpFc/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-Lp4nP9o6OQ


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maximillian metscher

Scorpius one of, if not the greatest Scifi villain from television. the only other villain who come close is Bester from Babylon 5 but he doesn't have the screen time to compare to Scorpius.

Brent Justice

It sounds like there will be consequences for bringing Aeryn back. BTW, Scorpy is a great villain, way better than Crais was. Interesting that Crichton brought back those Interions.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I mean, obviously they weren't going to actually kill off Aeryn, but the question is will Zhaan actually die. 2 fakeouts in a row might be a bit much. Not sure how I feel about Jothee and Chiana. I mean she's practically his step mom. Seems like a scenario you'd expect in a video hosted on another website starting with "P"😎. I forgot how much Farscape got into the body horror. Frickin Scorpius going all Hannibal Lecter on that chunk of John's brain🤢. Not to mention making buddy shoot through his own arm and bit off his own finger. Feel bad for Tocot getting microwaved by the scarran, but good to know that the cold seems to weaken them, or at least dampen their abilities. Overall, this episode wasn't as satisfying as the previous one in my book. It all felt very expedient; fix John's brain, defeat Harvey, resurrect Aeryn, etc... It gets done what needed to be done, but not a lot more. Also I take it you've been warned off the intro for a bit. S3's intro is my favourite for the show.