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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 2 Episode 22 "F. Emasculata" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sphz7c3o8v7egfp1dx6k9/XFS222UE.mp4?rlkey=v6lwiub0unoek6b2s9wqv4yxa&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-dOv6myf7WC9s4_iWl00wU0W98n7zw00/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-RDC5aL27RR


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Timothy Nikiforovs

THAT'S where I know that marshall from. Same guy who played Hank on Breaking Bad. My favourite character on that show. Boils and pus though🤮. Just can't do it. That said, pretty interesting concept of a pharma company setting up an epidemic to get around FDA trials. And yeah, I'm surprised Scully didn't go for the full hazmat. This episode is also a great example of how people who don't live in or near Toronto pronounce Toronto.

Gaming University

This episode made me want to re-watch Fringe. It has a similar structure as X-Files but focuses more on weird science. It evens references X-Files on occasion.

Tomáš Polák

Too bad it went so downhill in the end :( I would still recommend to watch and react to it tho

Tomáš Polák

I was surprised by this episode, I don't remember it fondly at all, probably because my only memory of it are those boils. Gross. But it was amazing! What was a bit weird for me was the scene where that farmaceutical company just came by helicopter and causually stole a body right in front of many officers including Mulder who didn't even try to stop them. Also, music of this episode reminded me a lot of Silent Hill 1 music (the game).

Brent Justice

Just watched the reaction, thank you. This one seemed to have very dark tones of pharmaceutical experimenting on the population, and perhaps even deeper than that. It sounds like Mulder is stirring the pot. What that could mean for him down the road, we'll see. Skinner does seem to be on Mulder's side IMO, he's just walking a very fine line, he has to. I also noticed how they were using their cell phones a lot more in this episode. This was the time period we started to see a lot more cell phone usage and it showing up on TV more. Sure the phones were simple, but hey, gotta start somewhere. That will evolve over the course of the show. It's just neat watching things like that from older shows now, seeing how things evolve throughout. And I lived during that time, so I know what it was like heh. Kids/Teenagers did not have cell phones unless you were from a rich family. At this time, it was mostly adults and business people.


I almost noped out two minutes into this one. Pretty gnarly! In fact I have no recollection of this episode so I've probably skipped it before 😅

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also on SG1 watching clunky CRT monitors switch to flatscreen LCDs, as well as seeing the cars evolve.

Demijan Omeragic

A disgusting but well done episode.