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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 4 "Out of My Mind" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/va1andpepnxv4eur137qf/BFYS54UE.mp4?rlkey=70blmkdumnv2iqg925bfidpp1&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PJbQSVghfZPYJdUhmH7_4UREb5r0iqwU/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-YWbOVCSLcM


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I remember when I first saw this episode, feeling so confused because I honestly had no idea what directions the show was going to go in. This felt a bit like a backburner soup of an episode, throwing a few story bits in and mixing them all up. I had no idea how to feel about any of it at the time, You could see the Riley insecurity coming since the season started (or since they got together, really). I actually think they did a good job of peppering little moments into each episode until we got here. The Spike and Buffy thing was also kindof inevitable. Spike easily mixes affection/love/sex with violence, given his longest and most important relationship was with Dru. So this kind of reaction/attraction to Buffy really isn't surprising. "Who are you?" Your daughter, Joyce. We've all known her for years!


Riley really does just feel like season 4 character doesn't he? It's just that so much has changed between the 2 seasons, and Riley is the one thing remaining that feels like he belongs to the old guard. That being said, while he is insecure about his strength... I gotta say, I feel for the guy. He's lost everything that mattered to him before Buffy... his friends, his career, his mentor, his physical strength, his entire life's plans just gone. He's very much alone, and Buffy very much isn't. I can't help but sympathize.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah he always kind of felt like he was just being dragged along into the new direction S5 was going in.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I'm sure others have reached this conclusion, but I feel like Xander was not talking about himself, but trying to subtly explain what Riley was telling him in the last ep without betraying his confidence directly. Maybe that's super obvious and I'm just slow. And yeah, that sequence at the end catches everyone off guard. I mean Buffy and Spike.......that would just be weird. Hell even Spike seems terrified that he could have the hots for her. Gotta say though, great seeing Xander (who always felt left behind) leapfrogging the rest of the scoobies into adulthood is a great payoff to 4 seasons of underachievement. He's got a stable if atypical relationship, secure employment in a well paying trade(which he seems to be branching out into side jobs for extra cash), and a huge boost in confidence over even a year ago. Getting split into 2 versions of himself really showed him his own potential. I mean Giles was even impressed and Xander used to give him headaches. Love to see it. I agree with Sir Deb though, it's hard not to feel really bad for Riley. Despite the frankly cringey pissing contest of him trying to prove he's as strong as a slayer imbued with supernatural powers, you can also see where he's coming from. Men and women get insecure about and are attracted to different things. Throughout human history men are typically seen as providers and protectors in relationships. Typically women will not be attracted to men who are weaker or of lesser means than them. Some may argue that these things are social constructs, but a lot of it is rooted in basic biology and still true far more often than not, especially to an old fashioned country boy like Riley. There are of course exceptions, and in Buffy's case no normal human is going to be stronger than her. She's clearly accepted that, but it's harder for Riley to feel like he has anything to offer her. In truth it's not like a slayer really has time for a typical job, and it's downright criminal that the watcher's council pays their own people but not the slayer herself. Riley could actually offer a lot just by being a normal dude working a normal job and providing a semblance of stability in her life, but his masculinity will always feel threatened by the fact she could throw him across the room. Also I don't imagine many slayers have managed to have families. Aside from the responsibilities of doing the job and the fact most probably die quite young, a slayer's family would be a HUGE target for vamps/demons. Unfortunately Buffy may be doomed to have a very lonely future, like many slayers before her.

Brent Justice

Let's just look at the facts, this is not a spoiler, this is pure fact up to now. Up to now, we have not heard of Buffy having a sister. We haven't seen her before, nor has there ever been a name drop. Buffy's mom was feeling rather alone, with the house being empty, with Buffy off at College. That's what we know. Could she have had a sister we just never have heard about, perhaps living with her dad this whole time? I mean it's possible. Up to this season, we haven't heard of her. But it sounds like she knows everything that has happened, and everyone knows her. So she either moved here recently and got caught up on everything, or Buffy has been informing her over the years about everything. But everyone is treating her like she's been around for a while. So... maybe we just never heard of her until now? /shrug


Playing basketball in jeans 😂 love it