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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 2 Episode 18 "A Clockwork Nebari" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8mo4uyq1u5a6ieqv14kfs/FSS218UE.mp4?rlkey=ugfoumtt9hzmmcvg4rycsscsf&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_SQaIfmX2BhtenFe6grlu_-pQy8NXnd5/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-GxGKogF7or


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I don't have a lot to say on this episode. It's enjoyable and clearly Browder is enjoying playing with a surfer dude voice. But mostly, I'm just excited because we're getting into the end of the season and there's some good stuff!

Timothy Nikiforovs

Fuck that eye torture scene was disturbing. Clearly that and the title are referencing A Clockwork Orange. Also just in general the nebari are downright terrifying. Peacekeepers are kind of like space NKVD or something; totalitarian but ultimately not out and out evil. The Scarrans are physically quite intimidating and the fact they can microwave you with their hands is scary, but at least they're a straight up physical threat. The nebari planning to brainwash entire civilizations and strip away people's individuality though, that's insanely terrifying.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I read that the contraption they had him in for the mind cleansing scene actually took a lot of time to get him in and out of and cut off his circulation. Poor guy thought he was going to pass out. Probably one of his worst scenes to shoot on the show.


Rygel: "I'm nobody's puppet!" I thought that was really funny.

Brent Justice

I get the feeling the Nebari are quite advanced for this region of the galaxy, like compared to the other alien races, even the Peacekeepers, that they are a pretty advanced species technologically speaking. I find that interesting. I think their species is intriguing. Overall, good ep with some good background on Chiana finally. Was much needed.

Erin Ragsdale

Started watching and thought to myself, "I don't remember this episode, did I accidentally skip one?" Then the Eyeball scene comes up, "Oh, it's that one, that explains why." I deliberately forgot that episode because it was the yuckiest thing ever.


Had to look away that entire eye scene, yikes. I think it's a testament to the writing on the show that the Scorpius chip doesn't feel like a deus ex machina, even though it does seem to be the key to getting Crichton out of tricky spots sometimes. Having Scorpius be motivated to protect John's sanity while still remaining sinister keeps the "get out of mind control free" card from being overused. Scorpius hangs around to reminding us it's just a matter of time until he pulls something. These favors aren't free. Really clever way to arrange that relationship.