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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 6 Episode 5 "Nightwalkers" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/miydf6f38h2uz6akij3xk/SGS65UE.mp4?rlkey=jdyzgk8a2zi1lnivr7t3h66nj&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bic2ToOqGo6xHwxyUe4yWS5GItoOq6u/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-O8ggqnNQDA


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What it dooski ya'll! Back home now :) Had a good time, now back to the vids 🤠


Love you king! happy to have you back! 🥰

William Sevier

I honestly forgot about this arc til the end of the last episode. I always forget about these episodes.

Evangeline B Walker

Remember the guy in the dinner putting 8 sugar in his coffee, the lady reading the same article for 30 min and so on. Jonas: They seem like they’re half asleep

Stef Furness

This is the first time I've noticed how much Jonas is eating in this episode - a lollipop after Sam's first visit with the sheriff, toast and jam in the hotel room, and then the breakfast where they acknowledge his appreciation for our "American food", despite how infrequently they're able to leave the base. It's a bit amusing to me that Teal'c's response to leaving the base for the first time was to grab his staff, while Jonas is just enamored by our weather channel and use of heated oils to make delicious food. I think the writers do a wonderful job expressing "alien" viewpoints of earth with Teal'c and Jonas that don't agree with each other but also don't conflict. I fully feel for Jonas when he tries to prove he knows our scientific history as a world (while the rest of the room doesn't) and is looked sideways at when he plays dumb about the Adrien Conrad situation (and is something they all know he is now privy to). Then the first scene Teal'c and Jonas are shown together trying to fit in with the Tauri, they order a couple of ginger ales. This is effin hilarious! (Plus, Jonas knows how to tip even though they're bullied out.)

Brent Justice

Definitely, the X-Files episode, felt that too. Interesting repercussions though, the cloning of symbiots, but they symbiots do not have naquadah, which means they can't operate goa'uld technology like the hand devices and such.


Welcome back! I love this episode. It's so different from the usual fare. It's almost more like a Resident Evil plot, parasites and all.

Timothy Nikiforovs

back at my first job we used to have this guy who ordered a coffee with 3 cream and 8 sweetener every day. He'd get pissed if anyone called attention to it.

Timothy Nikiforovs

To be fair, Jonas came from a culture that's probably fairly comparable to cold war America, so there's much less of a gap for him to bridge. Still, I love how Teal'c went from "your world is a strange place" in S1 to "Star Wars!!!" in S5.

brad hawkes

Take a shot of steaming hot coffee everytime Peter pops up in the background as an extra <3 great little episode, good to see Sam acting as team leader too, from a dorky captain to looking after the new kid Jonas under her wing.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Now you see why I said this is the most X Filesish ep of SG1. Steveston, the town they filmed in, was used in several episodes of the X Files as well. Overall one of my least favourite of S6, though it's not bad. So, to be clear, there isn't some foolproof way to get rid of goa'uld from a host with an injection. The injection was specifically made to work on those cloned symbiotes because they were engineered to be vulnerable to it. There's the tok'ra symbiote poison, but that kills the host as well, and the tok'ra seem to have a way to remove symbiotes, but that sounds like full on surgery. I'm also not sure why the ship was so important to them. They still have a cargo ship IIRC, and probably a decent number of parts from the gliders left over after building the X301. I suppose a craft build using Earth tech, materials, and tools would be much easier to reverse engineer. Also what's this fool on about "where the SGC failed for 5 years". Did you not see Redemption, asshat? Pretty cool seeing Jonas and Teal'c's different approaches to blending in(trying to) on Earth. And yes this ep does highlight Jonas' observational skills and photographic memory. Also interesting is their conversation in the bar. Aside from Teal'c getting ahead of himself thinking Shan'auc had found a way to reform her symbiote and ready to leave with her, I think this is the first serious acknowledgement that Teal'c really does see his time with SG1 as temporary. I mean it's assumed that yes he would return to Chulak after the jaffa were freed, but his tone suggests he sees that day as being sooner rather than later. Lastly I do like that we see civvie Carter again this episode. We get so used to what we see of her on the base being the team egghead, but then we see a bit of her personal life. Whether it's restoring a motorcycle with Siler, hanging out at her house, or casually lockpicking in broad daylight, it's a whole new layer to her character. It maker her character even more interesting. There's a bit of an adrenaline junkie under the nerd.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Lol, I've definitely been that person that puts 8 sugars in a coffee. I've heard the old "want any coffee with that sugar?" line people say plenty of times before! BUT! That dude's cup was definitely pretty small, so.. yeah, bit weird. Mine are usually bigger than that cup at least!

Lady Beyond The Wall

Plus that time on his "first" mission where he randomly had a banana hidden in his jacket and then almost opened it wrong. He didn't even know for sure he was going to be staying on the ship. So, he was definitely going to go on the mission with a banana chilling in his jacket, lol. If I was new to Earth, I'd definitely be trying like..every food I can get my hands on!

Brent Justice

There is one thing I don't like R.E. Jonas and how people treat him or call him. They keep calling him an alien. Now, he is an alien to this planet, yes, but he is still human, whom his ancestors were brought to that planet from Earth a long time ago. So he isn't an alien-like the Asgard. He's just a human, who grew up on another planet, and is an "alien" to Earth in that way. But he is still human. They keep speaking on his "alienness" like he's an actual alien and doesn't know or how to act "human" He knows how to act human lol, he is one. He just doesn't know Earth culture. But they keep treating or calling him out like he's a non-human and trying to fit in amongst humans. They are leaning into it a little too hard in that direction.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Nah, they just mean he doesn't have his American citizenship. Damned illegal immigrants taking all the jobs😁

Lady Beyond The Wall

Jonas would definitely do much better on the American Citizenship Test than I would, and I'm American. I'd probably fail.

Stef Furness

Oh, me too, Lady!! With the Jonas/Teal'c comparison, I understand Jonas' world was closer to ours technologically, but they both are used to living with persistent underlying violent tension, and I guess I assume Teal'c's self-defense skills are a little more advanced than Jonas'. Perhaps because of the situation with Daniel, Jonas is masking whatever fear he's experiencing in an attempt to assure them he's capable. The other big difference being, "I can't go back." Jonas seems to have accepted his return as a non-option so embraces leaning into his new residence, and, coupled with his natural curiosity, just pushes the whole experience into a much more humorous scenario than we saw with Teal'c. (Not to mention, if anything ever goes south, Teal'c with his symbiote pouch has a lot more to fear here than Jonas.)


You know, this wasn't an episode I loved when I saw it originally, but upon seeing it this time, I like it a lot more. It does feel nice to get the buff from the half-completed ship, and I think it's a good episode for both filling in Jonas' character and also seeing Sam outside her normal element. I think, also, that as time has gone on, I've appreciated the more X-Files like episodes of SG-1 more than I did the first time I saw them. Amanda Tapping really plays that kind of government agent character well. Also yes, this was a good off-base look for Teal'c.


i dont think Sam feels that way she just said it to keep him from getting implanted

Brent Justice

More so speaking to the scene at the bar, they treat his character like he's an alien alien trying to act human, rather than a human, trying to fit in with Earth culture. It's like the guy doesn't know how to act human, which he is, he's not an alien in that sense, yet it feels like they are making it sound like that. They keep referring to him as an alien too much, and he just isn't. He's a human, just foreign to Earth.

Wesley pippin

Episode 6 is one of my favorites of the series and I know he'll like it too, can't wait for it

Limi V

I really like this episode. I like the concept, the creepy vibes, the mystery and the continued friendship between the team's two outsiders. Once again we have SG-1 illegally breaking in and searching a civilian's home, plus taking things which counts as stealing. Not sure why they wouldn't call in the NID right at the beginning, other than for plot reasons, though I think they could've made the story work without the illegal searches.