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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 2 Episode 16 "The Locket" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/06nzbm4rkboeybqyrtv8x/FSS216UE.mp4?rlkey=bvzc5hty8a3m9x6ll9bmc57s3&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gHpGeay7wBnU81i19bIq55-APUF8UZ4a/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-TDz3wcPMbw


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Brent Justice

Ok this episode, I have ALWAYS loved this episode. I cannot wait to see your reaction.

Brent Justice

And that is why it is one of my favorite episodes as well. Loved your reaction. This episode is so great for so many things. I mean you nailed the commentary I was going to make, your reaction review at the end nailed everything I was going to say. I love how they make it very visual here the lifespan difference between Sebacean's and Humans. They can live about 200 cycles, or double the human lifespan. So the way the time stuff works here, they made it work perfectly. I also loved it for the fact that there is a twist, it's not the planet side that is moving faster in time, it's Moya and crew who are the ones who are stuck in time. So your expectations about where the problem lies, is subverted. Loved that twist. The reverse Starbust jump backwards is one of the coolest visuals we've seen in this show so far. That was amazing. The only thing that didn't make sense to me, and I wish they had shown, was Aeryn's daughter. They only show her granddaughter. I wanted to see her daughter, and the man she ended up with before John. And yeah, it was weird the granddaughter didn't age, but, she would have been at least half Sebacean, maybe fully, so maybe she just appears younger longer.

maximillian metscher

There is a reason Farscape is my #3 favorite show of all time! I am glad you loved this episode but there are true Bangers incoming, I cant wait to see you enjoy them.

Laura Shepherd

Aeryn didn't have a daughter, when she first gets back to Moya she says she's had three sons and buried them all. Her husband has also died by that point, only her granddaughter is alive.


Well now I want to know what your #1 and #2 shows are :)

Timothy Nikiforovs

Really top tier episode. I get a few shades of a TNG episode called The Inner Light from it. Only real criticism was how bad John's old man makeup was IMO. Still they nailed the emotional beats. Also great seeing Stark back after all this time, and with news of D'Argo's son no less.


Wonderful to see and hear you so passionate about this episode. It brought me back to other great moments when I first discovered your channel and reactions in general. Fun to hear the influence of some of those moments and shows reflected in current reactions with references to timey wimey and such.

Robert Biviano

Good for you for being touched by the story, this series provides these moments beyond the camp, that is why it is worth the time to watch.