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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 2 Episode 14 "Beware of Dog" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f9cng2sg6hzg3rlg2wzab/FSS214UE.mp4?rlkey=509vfg5nn7ur2cu6csnny6vg7&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1By9ePUzq0OchGZZCPlCGwiRV2SrWyDne/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-iK3TUaY96g


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Erin Ragsdale

I only watched Farscape for the first time less than 6 months ago, and it was in a binge of a couple weeks. There was so much I didn't catch that first time. I'm so glad you are reacting to this show. I almost feel like I'm watching it with you for the first time as well. I actually think I'm enjoying it more this second time through. Keep up the good work!!! I know you must bust butt to get these filmed, edited, and posted for us every week.

Laura Shepherd

I really appreciate how closely you watch these episodes and all the little details you pick up! Farscape is a lot cleverer than it seems on the surface sometimes. So many small details come into play episodes later. I have such a soft spot for this episode. I love the comedy moments with the Vork and Claudia Black's acting is on point as always! This reminds me very much of early Season 1 stand alone "critter of the week" episodes, but with Crichton's Scorpius visions giving the episode a darker edge.

Brent Justice

I love that you get Farscape "Just sit back, relax, and let it do its thing and play out" lol, that's Farscape. I think it is interesting that Crichton is seeing Scorpy. I think that was the most important part of this ep for me. The creature story I took as them just taking a break from the intense 3 parter we just had. A light hearted episode to let us relax a bit.

Timothy Nikiforovs

This ep was ok, but not great. Good observation about Rygel's dialogue being off though. Honestly it went over my head. The parasite plot is pure filler and IMO not very interesting, but Crichton's hallucinations of Scorpius definitely are. Did he put some sort of programming or mental block in his head while in the aurora chair? Is that why he didn't kill him. If so I feel like it detracts a bit from John's character. I felt like John spared him because despite all he put him through, Crichton is just a guy who wants to live in peace and doesn't want to kill anyone, even someone like Scorpius. If he was simply programmed not to be able to kill him, it takes away from that.