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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 2 Episode 13 "Irresistable" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1oyvpbc6cvhxjsjhd29ku/XFS213UE.mp4?rlkey=gi1ft0ljuhm9mvwdsj8ak6o9d&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MYT0g2f85PqmSQm4MWujcI-rF15xhLwJ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-eWm4JlqxAc


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Y I K E S. This is one of those episodes that just STAYS with you. It's so f*cking creepy and weird and give you the chills whenever you think about it, let alone watch it. *shudders* I really like how Scully sees him as a demon/devil, it's a great touch on how the audience feels.


This is one of the creepiest episodes by far, but also very interesting. Great performance by Gillian here. The scenes between her and Mulder, and with the therapist are so moving. We've had a few hints of the Scully women having latent psychic abilities, so I've always wondered if Scully was partially so unsettled because she sensed that she could have ended up as one of the victims.


I’m watching these for the first time too. I thought this episode was super strong, the acting and directing were really good. I was able to really empathise with Scully.


Such a good episode - after all the extra terrestrial and supernatural goings on, to have an episode thats so creepy based on a sicko is brilliant - Kinda like how hard the Countryside episode of Torchwood hits.

Brent Justice

This was a really strong episode. I really felt for Scully, they did a good job portraying her fear and anxiety. I love the idea that he's so evil she's seeing him as a demon. Just a regular guy, it's a good lesson for all, how just a regular person could be so messed up and be demon like, doesn't take a supernatural reason, just an ordinary person.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I think a big part of what makes the guy so creepy is that practiced, robotic politeness. It's really uncanny and just feels off. Gotta give the actor credit. Something struck me about Scully in this episode. It's understandable for mutilated bodies to turn someone's stomach, and at first you might think maybe Mulder has just seen more of this stuff than Scully and it doesn't bother him as much. But then you get to the autopsy scene and remember Scully is a doctor, and given she works for the FBI has no doubt done a good few autopsies in the past, beyond the ones we've actually seen. She's no doubt worked on corpses ranging from recently deceased to rotting and putrid to desiccated husks, with levels of trauma ranging from heart failure to a pile of mutilated meat. She should not be nauseated by a few ripped out fingernails and a cut up scalp. It's not the state of the bodies that's putting Scully off, but the thought of who could do that to them, and why. It's the same reason we don't think twice about the protagonist of an action movie getting shot or cut in the middle of the action, but if you have a scene where someone is tied up being tortured and has those same injuries inflicted, it becomes much more disturbing. Also 35:11, "FBI, open up" before it was a meme.

Timothy Nikiforovs

reminds me of the Angel episode with the possessed kid that ended up being worse than the demon

Gaming University

Upon rewatching this one, I can see similarities between villain of the episode with something from another Chris Carter show. Scully seeing the guy briefly as a demon may be more literal than originally intended. Hmm