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What it dooski! Here’s my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Farscape Season 2 Episode 13 “Look At the Princess - The Maltese Chrichton” REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dv69oiv5kpu4th20dspgi/FSS213UE.mp4?rlkey=ble3tmcp9v2m6hpgm3y6f84rq&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i3hwQdyP8WSM8cRFr_m3lNql8CXKXAHJ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-s6XuY2Khxk


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Robby & Merlin tmr 🧙‍♂️


Fun fact: the holograms of Chrichton's kids were Ben Browder's real-life children

Timothy Nikiforovs

Great 3 parter. These episodes moved things forward in a lot of ways for most of the characters. Some good development for Scorpy here as well. Almost feel bad for him having his scarran half constantly trying to destroy his sebacean half. It seems there's some major beef between those 2 races. Maybe the moya gang are running in the wrong direction. Gotta say though, it's a credit to John's character that he's immediately willing to be frozen again after finding out he has a kid, even one he didn't willingly create.

Brent Justice

Finally was able to sit down and watch the third part. Thanks for the reaction. This is Farscape's first three parter yes, and they did it really well. Like you said, it's like a movie that got cut up into three parts. They had a real clear direction for this one. So if you remember, Sebacean's have a problem with heat, they have this heat death thing where they lack the gland to regulate internal temperatures, so if they get too hot it literally makes them brain dead. And we learned that the Scarran's thrive on heat, they even have a heat power. So imagine here is Scorpius, his two halves literally at war with each other. Hence the need for cooling rods in his head and a cooling suite. There also seems to be a lot of tension between the races just in general. What else is there to say, this was a really great three parter and shows what Farscape can do with story. Oh, it's also interesting that Crichton didn't kill Scorpius here, he seemed like he was ready to, but pulled back at the last second. I'm sure Scorpius is not going to give up.

Robert Biviano

This is pure Farscape greatness.