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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King REACTION!

 LINK: (Download/stream):https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e5bMI8Jj92gqGxiE6nd1BXSUpdSe8RFJ/view?usp=sharing

 LINK #2: (Download/stream):https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x8Jmf9W3If8YySi6yLBbEQhkfNR-qX_J/view?usp=sharing

LINK:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/nrl10rphqmbtyd6/LOTR%203%20unedited%20%28new%29.mp4?dl=0


Silmoheru Rosaslie

the eagles literally come from valinor itself. not just that they dont have hands but talons so they couldnt just take it.

The Kernowyon Penguin

Oh shit here we go! Also on a side note, what are you planning on watching, film wise, after this? Is the Hobbit next or will it be something different?


Yeeees, here we go! I would love for you to watch the fantastic beast movies next, maybe you could do another poll? :) Gonna grab my ice cream and see your reaction!


And that’s a wrap on LOTR! What should we watch next? :-) poll will be up soon


Checked randomly.. got here 6 minutes after the posting, bam. hyped for this. Curious to know if you are gonna move over to the hobbit now. I just finished your reactions to Harry Plotter, and those were amazing. I loved how you piled shit onto someone and took that back at the end haha, I dont think I know anybody that didnt do the same for that plottwist.


That's my plans for the evening! :D I'm settling in with a cup of tea and a box of tissues. If you watch the hobbits btw you should make sure to get the extended versions again. They cut out many of the best scenes from the cinematic versions.

Siti Dee

Yessss! I'm all set with my Burger King ready to dig in!

Chris Sosa

My favorite film of the 3 is FOTR because it introduces you to the world and builds the characters. The one scene that sells it for me is Gandalf vs the Balrog. It's just so intense and epic. One thing that stands out to me in ROTK is how at the end when Gandalf comes with the eagles to rescue Frodo and Sam, notice how he has one extra eagle? I think that is because Gandalf still had hope for Gollum. Had Gollum survived, that one extra eagle would've saved him.

Aaron Tyrrell

That intro 🔥🔥🔥

Destiny Mormance

Yessss SO stoked for this! Right on time for a wakeNbake👍🏼😂


Such great film. If I had to pick a favourite then I'd have to say FOTR just because I love beginnings. I also love endings but as this one ended like 28 times lol I prefer the fellowship. Sam is my fav character, absolutely question. Always gets to me when he starts to carry Frodo. Lots of incredible details to admire in these films. But one in particular. I love the symbolism of the chafing marks on Frodo neck. Showing the weight and toll it has on him. I've always understood this to be the burdens of war and what soldiers have to carry with them physically, mentally and emotionally during and after. Maybe a comedy film might be a good follow up for the next reaction.


I think FailWhale is right. Had LOTR been written today I totally think Sam would've bitten it at the end. I'm glad Tolkien didn't go for the easy way out and wrapped things up more conclusively.


Did someone link the best easter egg already? https://youtu.be/IfhMILe8C84

Michael Harrop

Love that! Never thought of it like that before but I choose to believe that's exactly what Gandalf was hoping for


GandAlf can make that staff shine light like a champ

Siti Dee

Every Frodo + Sam scenes always had me weeping! Especially with this line: "Don't go where I can't follow!" ALWAYS. GETS. ME. Samwise Gamgee deserves all the love. Frodo couldn't last a day if it hadn't for him by his side I believe. Watching the series for the first time in a few years was amazing! ROTK is definitely my fav in the series. Love it and love your reaction.

Siti Dee

Also can I just say I love Eowyn and The Nazgul scene too? Nazgul: "No man can kill me!" Eowyn: *took off helmet like a goddamn G.O.A.T.* "I AM NO MAN!" C'mon! That was a badass scene! Eowyn is such an underrated character. I absolutely adore her.

Siti Dee

Also obligatory for all who have seen LOTR: https://youtu.be/uE-1RPDqJAY A classic. You're welcome.


The reason Elrond is so against Arwen staying, is because he doesn't want to go through the grief he has already gone in the past, when he was separated from his brother, Elros, who Chose the Race of Men, instead of the Race of Elves, as is the possible choice of all half-elves; so he basically lost Elros forever, as his Soul left Arda, as per the Gift of Men, while Elves are forever bound to the World's Fate, and will only be freed at the end of the End Times, basically.


Dude, there’s a 6-part documentary about the making of these movies. Each part is nearly as long as one of the movies. It’s insane the amount of detail and passion that went into this. Definitely suggest checking that out


I cried a lot. The soundtrack is SO good, too. SO good!


Back in 1992 (!) when I read this the first time, that Eowyn scene had me cheering so hard. So few female characters, but yay for the one written!

Marissa Brady

My favorite movie was the Fellowship of the Ring. I remember watching the movie in the theater when it first came out and seeing all those different places, stunned me. I just loved the shire and the whole beginning sequence. It was so well done that by the time the journey started, you were in their world right along with them. My second favorite one was The Return of the King. Theoden's speech and the ride of the rohirram in to battle at gondor. Then followed by Aragorn's speech at mordor and another awesome fight! The Two tower's would be the last one. Mostly because of how they changed Faramir's Character. As a lover of the books, I hated that! After meeting all of the different races, my favorite race is still Rohan. I love their colors, their horses, and anything and everything to do with the rohirram! Plus, they had the best musical score! The Hobbit movies were also very well done. If you get the chance put them on the movie list to react to. They're pretty good.

Palpatine the deceived

Suggestions for next movie series. 1. The Hobbit trilogy, 2. Fantastic beasts, 3. Home alone, 4. back to the future and 5. The Hunger Games trilogy


Even though Fellowship made me start reading the books (I didn’t know anything about the story and world before this movie came out) and RotK is the most epic one, every rewatch solidifies the position of Two Towers as my favourite. Why? Gollum. Gandalf. Rohan. Sam’s speech. Ents vs Saruman. Etc. Also, it’s possibly my best ever cinema experience. And no, I’m not a huge fan of the ghost army either. It’s more that I think it looks cheap than it being convenient, though.


Think you summed up the trilogy perfectly with the word EPIC

Viktor Bayliss

Hey dude. Great reaction. Hope all is well, any updates on Torchwood? I don't wanna be bugging you, if there is something in the way or anything, a update would just be nice. Thanks! :)


Hey Vik! Sorry about that - yeah just finished up the bonus Buffy & Torchwood from Sat/Sunday. I’ll be moving forward with the usually expected sched now. The normal Tues/Wed Buffy & Torch will be coming in the next day or so 🙏🏽

Timothy Nikiforovs

The great thing about watching these reactions is that I've never seen the extended cuts of these movies, so a lot of the run time I'm seeing for the first time myself. When Legolas drank Gimli under the table all I could think was "this guy is OP. 10 in every attribute and all skills maxed out". Seriously the guy should be bad at something. As many others have said, I really do have a new appreciation for great and dedicated a friend Sam is. Probably came the farthest of all the characters. He went from being this timid hobbit who knew exactly how many paces from the shire he had gone in his life and never thought about going any farther to the MVP of the trilogy, battling giant spiders and orcs and seeing right through Gollum's lies. Then on top of that he freakin carries Frodo up a God damn mountain. If anyone EARNED a happy ending, it's Sam. Despite the ghost army cop out, I actually would say ROTK is my favourite LOTR movie. It took things to a really epic level and wrapped up all the various storylines of the trilogy. Things are at their darkest here, but by movies end the good guys win and a new age dawns.

Timothy Nikiforovs

you gotta ask though, if old Galdalf has pull with the eagles, WHY DIDN'T HE GET THEM TO FUCKIN FLY FRODO TO MT. DOOM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

Chris Sosa

This question gets asked a lot, and it has a pretty straight forward answer- it's that the eagles are too powerful and could risk stealing the ring and getting corrupted themselves. We know how powerful Gandalf is and he refused to take the ring after Frodo offered it to him, as "...through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine." If a powerful being got their hands on the One Ring, it would corrupt them to a level to great to imagine.