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-MHAA 4 Recording: 50%
-MHAA 3 Bloopies: 50%
-SAOA 18 Scripting: 25%
-SAOA 17 Bloopies: 20%
-SAOA 17 (maybe) getting outta copyright jail this week!


What it do, madres?

That's right. You're our mother now. All of you. Collectively. And your day is soon arriving. Don't worry. We've already booked brunch for next Sunday at that nice restaurant that had the good eggs benny and that salmon that you liked. Oh, how you loved that salmon. Said it reminded you of your father. Cuz he was a fisherman, of course. Lot of long, lonely nights you spent wondering if he'd make it home. Vicious things, those salmon. Strip a man to the bone if you ain't careful. But every night he persevered and came strolling in with a sack full of spoils. Salmon spoils. You and your siblings feasted on those spoils by the light of your single oil lamp. Salmon oil, of course. Whole town ran on salmon oil in those days. There was a stench about it, but you got used to it. Seeped into your bones. "You finally got your Salmon Bones" they'd say. That's when you'd know the town had finally excepted ya. But it was a bittersweet thing, cuz you'd have to grapple with the knowledge that you could never again live in the world of men. You were a salmon man, now. A Sal-Man, if you will. They also got some bomb-ass mimosas.

But, of course, you already know all that. You're here because you want to hear about our work. We know how proud you are of us and how you love when we keep you updated. Well, you'll be happy to hear that SAOA 17 should be getting out of copyright jail soon! If all goes well (fingers crossed), we might even be able to throw him a release premiere on YouTube this Friday! We'll text you if/when something goes wrong. Are you good to pick him up from the prison like last time, or do you need us to do it?

We've also been working on some other things. The bloopies for SAOA and MHAA are going quite well, and we're moving at a pretty good pace with the recordings and the scriptings. We're a little bit nervous about scripting the finale, but you've always been there to ease our worries. We love you for that, mother. That's why we slipped some extra dick jokes into the bloopies, just for you. We know how you love your bawdy humour.

Oh, we also picked you some nice wildflowers from that field you thought was so pretty. You know, the one we stopped at after you hit that hitchhiker with your car? We made a pact that night, never to breathe a word of it to anyone. Do you remember? I do. Some nights I can still hear the screams. Sure, I guess we couldn't taken him to a hospital instead of just immediately burying him alive, but you were adamant. You said "This is how a Sal-Man do, son. You wanna be a Sal-Man, don'tcha?" And I wanted that more than anything. So I piled on that dirt until the job was done, and you looked me in the eye and said "Ya finally got your Salmon Bones, son". And we wept. 

Anyway, I think they're like daisies or something. Happy Mother's Day!

Something Witty


Arador Myth


Jamey S

You forgot to mention that you're continuing smartphone!