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-MHAA 4 Recording: 50%
-MHAA 3 Bloopies: Done!
-SAOA 18 Scripting: 33%
-SAOA 17 Bloopies: 80%


What time is it?! Summertime! It's our vacation!

Except not really because we're grown-ass adults who don't get summers off no more. We can no longer live out our dreams of being in a high school musical 2, working at a golf course, having our rich daddy get the boy we like onto a college basketball team, or winning the coveted Star Dazzle Award which we shit you not is actually what that was called in that movie. 

But alas, we are too old and our bones are too weak. We can no longer sprint after the ice cream man, a single dollar bill wafting in our outstretched arm as we screamed "SPONGEBOB! MONEY FOR SPONGEBOB! PUT SPONGEBOB IN MOUTH!", as we have lost the ability to process dairy. Gives us the rumbly tumblies, you see.

So instead, we've just been working on Bloopies, cursing the youths. And one of them is finished! The Bloopies, not the youths. Not yet. They'll get what they deserve in due time...

Anywho, the MHAA 3 Bloopies should be going up on Patreon soon, with the SAOA 17 Bloopies close behind!

The script for the Alfheim finale is also coming along at a steady rate, and it is shaping up to be a CHONKER. We are trying to combine the last three episodes of the season, so that's not super surprising, but it is quite intimidating, even with the additional scripting day we've added to the schedule lately. But we shall prevail! We just wanna make sure it's as perfect as it can be.

Speaking of perfect, did you ever have that one perfect summer day? Where your mom took you to the old town watering hole for a swim with ya pals, pushing ya on the tire swing? But then she pushed you a little too hard, and your Rugrats speedo got stuck on the tire and tore off as you flew through the air? You remember how the leeches came? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Pepperidge Farm also remembers the shame you felt as you begged your mom to burn off the leeches, but she was like "No, we gotta save the matches for the barbecue. You don't wanna ruin the barbecue, do ya?". And you know what? She was right. The barbecue was amazing, and you lost 35 lbs of blood weight. Hot girl summer indeed.

Something Witty



Keep up the great work

Embeth Arreyn

These updates are the funniest fucking thing. Me over here reading them at work, trying not to laugh out loud. I teach the youths, you see, and right now the youths are taking a test. Cannot disturb them... yet... AAAANNNYYWAY, I am really excited and also somewhat concerned for the finale, because you know, *that* bit. Plus Leefa being all cunty. Like how was he supposed to know she did kendo to spend time with him, and not just because she genuinely liked it? IDK, siblings be weird yo. I told mine to die in a tire fire. Fuck em. So yeah, nervous about the finale, but I have faith in you! You plural! Not just one of you, that would be rude. Keep doing what you're doing, you're awesome!

daniel mariano

I get where you're coming from regarding Leafa but don't forget Kirito was a massive jerk in the first arc too. Maybe he was a prick about leaving Kendo too, IDK. My problem with her speech is that she compares Kirito changing hobbies with him being so invested to save Asuna from being turned into a slave (even though the stakes are vastly different in each case). Regardless, it's clear Suguha regrets having mistreated him, so I'm excited to see how her redemption arc comes to a close! Love you, SWE!!! Stay awesome!!!