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There's been a lot of interesting questions posed this month, and one's already kicked off an IFAQ: What could happen in the next five years after 998 YK? 

Meanwhile, it has been THREE YEARS since Exploring Eberron was released! While I expect most of you have it already, we're hosting a sale to celebrate... just in case you've worn out your old PDF!

This link should get you 30% off the PDF, while this link should get you 20% off a print on demand copy! Although there may be something wrong with that print discount… we’re trying to figure it out.

Thanks for your support!


IFAQ: The Near Future

As time permits, I like to answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Here's one from this month... With a complete lack of Player interaction, what major events would p...



Happy Anniversary, ExE!!!


I’ve always wondered what the YK Millennium would be like… “Y1K” if you will.