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Greetings, Patrons! I've just wrapped up the June questions with this article on the Archduke of Atur, and now it's time to start anew. In July I'll be doing another live AMA and running session 20 of my Quickstone campaign (thanks to Matthew Johnson for the new portrait of Tari!) and hopefully getting to the long delayed Dragonmark article. Meanwhile, it's time for new questions! 

As always, I will not be able to answer every question; simple questions are the best questions. If I can answer a question in five minutes here, I'll probably answer it. If it would take significant research or an hour of work to answer a question, I probably can't. Feel free to ask questions that didn't get answered in a previous month, just know that I won't be able to get to them all... and if there's a question I've skipped over a few times it means that I need focus to answer it and I haven't had that focus. In addition, I will only answer one question per patron. You can ASK more than one, because one may be easier for me to answer than another, but I'll only answer one.

Thanks for your support!



Would you see pretty much every Znir Pact gnoll wield a myrnaxe as part of their standard kit? Or is the right to wield one something that a gnoll earns or a sign of rank etc.? (I vaguely remember some myrnaxe lore in Thorn of Breland series, but can't recall specifics)


One of the main points of the myrnaxe is that the different ends provide flexibility. You’ve got two base damage types (slashing and piercing) and the heads can use different materials, like byeshk or silver. In the Thorn books, Ghyrryn’s myrnaxe has a silvered spearhead for dealing with lycanthropes. So it’s usually used by gnolls who have a use for that flexibility—hwyris, bounty hunters, or others who expect to be dealing with a diverse range of enemies. So it’s not that you have to earn the right to use one, but they are usually used by elite Znir forces. Hence, Sheshka is intrigued to see Thorn using one.


Prince Jurian’s exile is in an odd (yet intentional) limbo state, but how politically official/unofficial is it in practice? If something were to to happen to Crown Prince Wrogar, would the title go to Princess Corrine, or would it still go to Jurian? I imagine, if it did go to Jurian, it would require some clever political maneuvers to salvage his reputation, but people always do love a story of reformation (even when they don’t know it’s manufactured).