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Greetings, Patrons!

I have been very overwhelmed with IRL challenges this month; I've spent the last two weeks traveling to help ailing family members. As a result, things have been slower than I would like. Some of you may recall that I planned on my next Dragonmark being about Khorvaire in the Age of Giants. This article started as an IFAQ answering a fairly simple question—what was the relationship between the dragons and the couatls—and just snowballed into something larger, to the point that I felt it should be called a Dragonmark. I hope that you enjoy it! 

A lot will be happening in the next few weeks.  If you're going to be at GenCon, I have two events I'm doing with my company Twogether Studios, and I'm also going to be doing live play events with Six Sides of Gaming. I'll probably do an informal meet-up for patrons at some point. I'll be posting another patreon-exclusive preview from Frontiers of Eberron before the end of the month. And I'll be running the next session of the Frontiers campaign. BUT in the short term, I'll be hosting a video AMA session on the Threshold Discord at 9 AM Pacific Time on Saturday, July 22nd. Hopefully we'll get this one recorded for people who can't make it. But I need your help to decide on the general topic! Here's the contenders...

The Planes. Just what it says on the tin. I'll answer any questions you have about the planes. 

The Last War. Likewise, general discussion of the Last War. 

Religions of Eberron. I'll discuss what went into creating each of the major faiths and answer questions about them. 

Sourcebook Opinions. People know I have issues with some of the Eberron sourcebooks I didn't work on. But even on the books I DID work on, there's lots of things I didn't touch and don't agree with. I'll talk about some of those things! 

Other Works. I'll talk about the OTHER things I've made—Phoenix Dawn Command, Gloom, my non Eberron D&D books, the video game I'm working on, and so on. 

Thanks as always for your support. It's been a difficult month and I've been hounded by my own personal fiends, and I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to create this content. 



I’m most interested in the Last War, in part because many in the fandom (including me) tend to draw comparisons to World War 1, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts about that. But the first four topics in general are all interesting regardless. (Still, Last War, please!)


That is some stunningly beautiful artwork up there!