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Greetings, patrons!

My latest post is a round up of some of the questions asked in January, but I have expanded the Atur entry a bit; even if you read the original answer you might want to take a look. 

The Siberspace finale with be posted soon, but in the meantime I will start polling Threshold patrons tomorrow to decide where the campaign goes next. There's a few options for what we do with Threshold, and we'll start that discussion soon!

Thanks for your support!


January IFAQ: Atur, Seeker Saints, Penguins, and More!

I'm still in the process of deciding what I'm doing next-whether my next major project will be another Eberron book for the DM's Guild, or whether I will explore a new setting-and if the latter, whether it will be for 5E D&D, another system, or system agnostic.


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