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Thanks to the latest poll, Sheriff Constable will be a playable character as of the next session. I'll release a playtest version of the playable Medusa race from Threshold as an IC exclusive at some point in the future, but it may not be for a few months; there's some work I need to do on it first, and at the moment I'm focused on wrapping up Chronicle

For now, we've chosen Constable as a playable character and we know that he's a Warforged Living Weapon monk. But that still leaves us with decisions. In my quick pass on Constable, he's athletic, intimidating, perceptive and skilled at reading people—all useful skills for a sheriff. But is he trained in Investigation (be warned, Intelligence isn't his strong suit), is he surprisingly stealthy, or is he actually quick acrobatic? Beyond that, he has two proficiencies—what are they? Is he artistic? Does he occasionally play cards at the Crown? Or did he play drums during the war and pick up proficiency with smith's tools  to keep himself in shape? 

What we know about Constable is that he served Count ir'Blis during the war and worked with Facet, the Magistrate, and both earned the Count's respect in this time. What we don't know is what Constable DID during the war. I'd like to establish his military duty and also to establish what drives him. Finally, I'd like to establish a secret that ISN'T publicly known—something WE know about Constable that might come out in play. 

So let's make some decisions! Skill and War Role are single choices. With Proficiency I'll take the top two choices. For motives and secrets I'll probably only choose one each, but if it's close he could have two options in either category. 

Thanks for your support!



Proficiency: Painter's Tools because: "It reminds me, always, that anything can be made beautiful with time and attention. For the town, it's diligent enforcement of the law. For these cards, it is diligent painting."