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Collaboration is what I love most about TTRPGs. I have an adventure that I've run sixty times, and it's never gone exactly the same way twice. When we start an episode of Threshold, I never know how it's going to end; I actually had tears in my eyes at the end of 12.5. This is the best part of running a campaign—seeing characters evolve, seeing the players invest in the story, and having it take on a life of its own. 

I'm not the most dramatic DM, but if I have a strength I feel that it's working with my players to create something together. Threshold has been an experiment—to see if that's even possible when working with a large group of people. I'm thrilled by how it's gone so far. This has been a difficult year for many reasons—as shown by the fact that Frontiers of Eberron has been on hold for most of it—but I've enjoyed the evolving story. The story hours, the polls, and the creativity you all show in your submissions and your participation have been inspiring. So thank you to all of you for being a part of that experience and making it possible. 

I'll be starting a new Story Hour on Discord sometime in the next few days dealing with Deven. It will tie to Episode 14, so if you haven't seen that yet, I suggest you do so—or at least check out the recap—before diving into that story. For now, however, I promised we'd create two new characters. The first of these is the kobold cleric Sarvus'kor, though we still need to work on her background. Now that we have a cleric, the only class we don't have in our cast is a monk. So let's add a monk! Here's a few ideas...

  • Sheriff Constable could be a literal Living Weapon, punching his way to justice. You saved Constable in Jury Duty, and this would reflect his placing greater trust in the adventurers and calling on them more often to help the town.  
  • Jha'laza is one of the old Dhakaani goblins—a Shaarat'khesh assassin who disappeared after episode 11. If she returns, she could be trained in in the martial arts of the Khesh'dar. 
  • A Znir Gnoll could follow in Dhyrn's footsteps—possibly another sort of hwyri, watching the town or preparing for a rising threat. 
  • A suggestion was made for a Medusa monk. This could be a path for Tashka—the Droaamite observer who's appeared in a few sessions—or it could be someone entirely new. 
  • Looking to the East, a Broken Blade monk could come to from Breland; like the Znir gnoll, they might be draw by premonitions of a coming threat. If we choose this option, we'll have a run-off poll to determine their species and background. 
  • A final option is Slate, the gargoyle who hangs around the church and has shown up in a previous episode. I forgot to add him, so if you want to vote for him, LIKE the comment where I mention him!

Who would you like to see? Thanks again for your support! 



The gargoyle!


Jha’zala vs Deven: Threshold ain’t big enough for two Khesh’dar….