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Hi Everyone! 

I am traveling at the moment dealing with family issues, and I'm not going to have either the time or the internet bandwidth to run the next session until I get settled back at home. However, time marches on, so I want to set up that session, get the next casting call out, start the next story hour (Rolan talks to the Marshal), and throw in a poll or two for good measure! 

First of all, for anyone who's new to the tier, here's a few important links. 

DISCORD: This is the Eberron Discord server, and there's a special Threshold section for talking about the game. This is where I'll be doing the interactive story hour soon; you can see the last scene with Jane and the Pasha in the Threshold/Story channel. 

KANKA: This is the campaign site, which has lots of information about the previous sessions and the cast of characters. You don't NEED to read it, but it will help you get context for the story and think about which character you'd want to play. 

Now, on to time. Because I don't actually get home until the 27th, this is going to be a RARE WEEKDAY SESSION. Likewise, I'm offering an unusually early session -- 9 AM PST is pretty early for me to jump into a game. But as always, I want to shift times to give as many people as possible a chance to play. To be clear: this is a tool I use to gather information, and it's POSSIBLE I won't choose the time that gets the most votes; I'm looking for preferences and possibilities. Also, people who played in Session 1 or 2 are now eligible to play again. 

As always, thanks for your support!



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