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Greetings, Patrons!

I'm currently traveling to address a family crisis, and my time is more limited than I'd like. I have done my best to answer the questions posed in the thread earlier this month, so make sure to check back there and check on the questions that have been answered! There are a few unanswered questions that I do want to address in full IFAQs ASAP, but under the current circumstances I don't know when the P in ASAP will be. With this in mind, I've decided to share the full Provinces of Riedra article that had been exclusive to this point. It's been a year since I wrote it, and given the nature of Patreon it occurs to me that some of the newer patrons may not even know it exists, so I figured it was time to put it out into the world.

Thank you for your patience and support. Check the Questions post if you haven't—there have been a lot of good questions—and I'll get to IFAQs as soon as I can.


Dragonmark: The Provinces of Riedra (Full)

One year ago, my supporters requested more information about the nation of Riedra. I shared a piece of this article on the site, but kept the full article as exclusive to Patreon. It's been a year and I'm currently dealing with a personal crisis that is limiting my time, so I decided to share the full article with all of you.



Hope things work out for your family, that takes priority over anything else! Stay safe.