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I've answered a number of questions (though not yet all) on this month's questions thread; if you haven't been keeping an eye on it, you may want to take a look! However, I also want to share some of these topics with the general public. This is a short article and doesn't include much information that I didn't also say on the Questions thread, but I figured it was worth posting. 

I am currently traveling and my posting will be limited, but there are a few questions left on the thread that I would like to address in IFAQs if possible. If you have a question and haven't yet asked one this month, feel free to add it to the comments on that post.

And as always, thanks for your support!


IFAQ: Thrane Fashion

As time permits, I answer interesting questions posed by my Patreon supporters. Here's another: The Thrane fashion section is missing from Five Nations-any general ideas on how citizens of Thrane might dress distinctly differently from the other Five Nations? In thinking of Thrane, it's useful to contrast the forces shaping it to those that shaped its neighbors.



Thanks, Keith!