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Greetings, Patrons!

June has come with a number of unexpected IRL challenges, so I'm not going to have as much time for the site as I would like. However, I'd like to keep going with IFAQs, and with that in mind, I need your questions. 

In an ideal world, I would be able to answer everyone's questions every month. In THIS world, it simply isn't possible. But I'll do the best I can. With that in mind, a few things to keep in mind...

  • Given the volume of questions I receive, I limit myself to answering one question per patron per month, to try to spread my time out as evenly as possible. You can ASK multiple questions, because it may be one is easier for me to answer than another—but if you ask seven questions, I'm only going to answer one of them. 
  • If I can answer a question in 2-3 sentences, I will answer it here. If I can answer a question in 2-3 paragraphs, it may be answered as an IFAQ article, but I only have time to post 1-3 IFAQs per month. If it would take me 2-3 pages to answer a question, odds are good I'm just not going to have time to take it on. So the tighter the focus of your question, the greater the chance I'll be able to answer it. In choosing topics for IFAQ articles, I look for questions that could interest a wide audience or be applicable to many campaigns. 
  • If I have to do significant research to answer the question,  it's probably going to get shelved. A good example of this is "How does the textile industry of Khorvaire work?" It's a great question, but I don't know anything about textiles. So to answer the question, I'd first have to research textiles so I can UNDERSTAND how the industry would be affected by everyday magic. I wish I had the time to do that, but with all my IRL issues I definitely don't this month. So I love questions like this—but the simple fact is that if I need to do an hour of research to properly answer a question, it's not going to happen this month. 

If you asked a question didn't get answered in a previous month, you're always welcome to ask it again, though consider how these guidelines apply! There's always good questions I just don't have time to answer. 

ALSO: A number of people have reported problems with the website. I have just done a security sweep and resolved a few issues, so hopefully any immediate problems have been dealt with. I am planning a complete overhaul and redesign of the site that will address MANY issues, but I don't know how long it will take to put that plan into action. 

Thanks for your support!




Hi Keith! Have a couple of questions about Blood of Vol. 1. From what i figured, in most of 5 nations BoV is organized as a series of independent covert cults without clear connection/hierarchy between them. How does Crimson Covenant or Lady herself find / get in contact with those cults? Or they only act trough Emerald Claw cells and don't care about other, less fanatical "cults"? 2. I liked idea with Crimson covenant being influenced by Lady, but not under full control, but is it even possible to move it out of her influence without outright destroying/killing most of the liches/mummies which are loyal to her? 3. BoV is a religion that values basically faith in your inner self, it seems there would not be much of value to BoV cleric besides own life (and maybe life of others). What would BoV cleric refer to as "sacred"? Does this notion even apply to BoV? Any of them answered will help, thanks a lot!


So first of all, I assume you've already read this article, but just in case you haven't, you definitely should: http://keith-baker.com/crimson-covenant/